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Praying for the victims and working for the merchants of death.

jerry99 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh Snap! Hogg nails it.


It seems to boil down to the choice between supporting second amendment rights and the murder of the innocents. Another way of looking at it is the choice between a principle and the human cost of that principle.

Second amendment rights are not unlimited in spite of what the NRA tells you.


Why do we keep believing this nonsense? We always hear or read "my prayers are with" or "I am praying," etc. IT IS A LIE! We have no evidence that any of these people are praying. They claim to be god believers and they "pray" to pass responsibility of something onto another area and away from themselves. It means that they have no responsibility and they take no personal responsibility. Wake up and join the real world. These people are not praying to anything but often when the time is right for it they bow their heads and pretend.

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