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How "Out" are you? - Most of my family and close friends don't even know. - Most of my family and close friends know but I avoid the subject in other social circles - If directly asked about religious affiliation I will say I am an Atheist or Agnostic. - I am like a Vegan and make sure every one in every room I enter knows I think they are living a lie.

BufftonBeotch 8 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Most of my family and close friends know.

It is a brave thing.


If people ask I tell them.


There is no one in my life who has so much influence on me that I would give one fuck about what they think about my atheism. I have no contact with my father's family (and that's a lot of family to not be in contact with) and no intention of doing so in the future. If my atheism is a problem for someone then I have no need for that person in my life.

My family is generally good with it.

@evestrat Don't envy me. Anyone can walk this same path and all they need is the internal fortitude to stand alone if need be.


Totally out. There is little privacy anymore, the NSA monitors phone calls under the guise of finding terrorists, social sites collect data, commercial sites collect data. If you care, drop out and move to iceland. I'm not moving; thus, I'm out.

Don't think they listen to or read every phone call or post . I think they have machines that look for certain words of suspects . It's a matter of only viewing likely problem areas , not monitoring kids talking to Daddy when he's on deployment , or how interested in sex a teen is .

How does FB know I was shopping for a cat bidet?

@Cast1es Yes, computers monitor, no doubt an Artificial Intelligent agent that is much more sophisticated than key word searches.

@LoriMcAfee Facebook tells you , it uses cookies , and when you mention a product , or search for one that they have an advertisement for , they will send you the ad .


Johnny Weir out

Neil Patrick Harris out


100% but I am NOT an in-your face A-theist and only discuss it when asked but when asked, I do not hold any punches.

Yes. This is me. Just don't ask me where I go to church.

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