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What is the root of all the problems in the world?

ABack 6 Mar 10

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I'm going to go for craving and ignorance 🙂 but I am a Buddhist 🙂


Good question. I believe narrow minded self importance and greed, on the part of the few rich people who run things. I believe if there was truly equal rights and real justice, we would be alot better off here on earth.




The Rooth is humans starting cultivaring land instead of roaming Free. Read Yuval Hararis ”Sapiens”. Christian




The root is human nature. Beyond that are things like greed, need for safety and simplicity. In addition, psychopaths contribute. Wikipedia says, "Psychopathy has a much higher prevalence in the convicted and incarcerated population, where it is thought that an estimated 15–25% of prisoners qualify for the diagnosis. A study on a sample of inmates in the UK found that 7.7% of the inmates interviewed met the PCL-R cut-off of 30 for a diagnosis of psychopathy. A study on a sample of inmates in Iran using the PCL😕V found a prevalence of 23% scoring 18 or more. A study by Nathan Brooks from Bond University found that around one in five corporate bosses display clinically significant psychopathic traits - a proportion similar to that among prisoners." .....Etc.

@SeaGreen I know that villages that rely on their neighbors to survive are not greed among the villagers. However, they tend to be fearful of outsiders and protect their self defined borders. Moreover, people tend to treat family members and close friends much better than others. If you know of a culture that does not have greedy who don't care about security, and who prefer complexity, please let us know. Which culture is it? I think the study done by Brooks is not dependent on culture.


I should add that religion plays on the greed by saying god has entitled us to this land or oil reserve.


Seeing a starving child as a problem someone else will take care of.

Unfortunately, sound bites and feelings of guilt tend to simplify problems. Life is not simple but complicated. I have gotten into the issue of food aid many times and been vilified. Some, who desired a real discussion actually started to view the situation in another light. Serious critical thinking is absolutely necessary to understanding the true depth of some issues.


Religion, power, greed, and the compulsion to control others.

@ScienceBiker Agreed, to a point. I have no problem telling anyone trying to control me to fuck off. Probably ANOTHER reason why I'm single.That list just keeps getting longer. LOL


Greed and the corruption that comes with it and religion.


Human desires. Without this there would be no problems only facts.


Corruption and greed.

Lilie Level 6 Mar 10, 2018
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