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What is everyone’s take on ghosts/spirits? I have seen a few in my lifetime but also find it odd that I believe in these things and am an atheist. BUT I’VE SEEN THEM. The only thing that really throws me off is that the “evil spirits” are said to be “demons” but I definitely don’t believe in those. Yet so many people speak of demons when explaining their experiences with the afterlife. If there are demons, there would have to be a Hell. Right? I’d have to see it to believe it, but are they calling these “demons” because they’re religion leads them to believe that’s what they are or is that what they truly appear to be?

1EarthLovingGal 7 May 22

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I don't believe in the supernatural. When I see evidence for either that or for god, then I will take whatever seriously.

gearl Level 8 May 22, 2019

Ohferpetessake, check your meds & your eyeglass prescription!
Not because you experienced something odd, I have myself several times, but because you jump right into the "devil/demons" crapola..........not healthy! And if it was someone else, give them space...what's to say they suddenly will blame it all on you!?!??


I don’t believe and have never seen one. I’ve had one somewhat creepy auditory experience but by no means inexplicable. If I did see something I might think it’s like an echo of energy, or something to do with extra dimensions. Anything that appears like magic is just science that we haven’t figured out yet, that’s all I’m sure of.

When it comes to calling spirits demons that’s a subjective judgement call from either someone who believes what they saw seemed evil, or someone who believes in the supernatural but believes that it’s all the work of the devil. A lot of Christians are like that. Apparently Satan can do all kindsa crazy shit on earth but gods hands have been tied ever since his kid died. Go figure. But no the statement that “if there are demons there must be a hell” doesn’t follow. There are demons and no hell in the Hindu religion, and most anyone who saw an entity they couldn’t explain that seemed malicious would probably generally call it a demon just culturally, whether they believe in hell or not. Good news is neither exist, these are just terms that one must employ some poetic license to use with any sincerity at all.

@1EarthLovingGal It is normal for people to want to believe in an afterlife but the lack of evidence for any form of it including reincarnation makes me feel it is unlikely. The best way to achieve immorality in my mind is to contribute something to the world before you leave it. Not just children any animal does that and few people who reproduce are remembered more than 3 generations at best. By contributing I mean to make a real difference in the world by using your brain to make a unique contribution that people will remember for a thousand years. I have only managed a few small ones in my life but I keep hoping for more and working towards that goal...

@1EarthLovingGal I agree here in CA you would be able to make headway on that goal but there it is more likely to be considered as "against their Christian values..."


It is human nature to attribute things we don't understand to the "supernatural" because we haven't yet found a rational explanation for them. Much of the "ghost evidence" is exactly like Big Foot or UFO "evidence" in other words manufactured. Human beings tend to see patterns even when they have to make them up in their minds and attribute them to ideas familiar to them personally. This is why people see Jesus in a piece of toast. Could there possibly be ghosts?... Perhaps but lacking real evidence I withhold judgement on the matter. If you have ever seen a illusionary lake in the desert you understand the tricks the mind can play on you. if you haven't had that experience try Googling "optical illusions" and look for images. All religious extremist cults have very high percentages of schizophrenics in their congregations who have either aural or visual hallucinations. The religious act of "speaking in tongues" has already been debunked as it is simply the person making strings of phonetic gibberish from their own native language in the same pattern over and over again but a believer actually believes they are speaking in a language only they and their god can understands. To understand the depth of this mental illness I met a person who used to be Presbyterian who told me they had their moment of clarity when his entire church went crazy over a bilingual guest preacher who spoke to them first in English and then after a sentence translated his words into Spanish.... They all believed he was speaking in tongues and that it was "god" making him speak in words they couldn't understand.... He was the only one their who knew Spanish himself because the rest of them were all small town and poorly educated....
The lesson is simple don't draw conclusions from lack of evidence.

@1EarthLovingGal For Schizophrenics they prescribe anti-psychotic medications which researchers found highly religious people were refusing to take. They discovered that taking those medications inhibits religious belief. If we want to cure the far right-wing in this country we should put them all on meds...

@1EarthLovingGal Religion itself is batshit insane.... It is only considered acceptable in society because children are beaten and brainwashed into believing it as children... States with higher levels of religiosity also have higher levels of mental heath issues, violent crime, poverty, and lack of education along with numerous other problems....
The biggest problem is I don't think anyone has ever had the guts to examine if the mentally ill are just attracted to religion or if religion itself is what causes mental illness... I myself favor the latter explanation but religion does tend to prey on those who are in a weakened and vulnerable state of mind like the mentally ill or people who have substance abuse problems...

@1EarthLovingGal If you are taking medication for anxiety that could be creating visual or auditory hallucinations...

Also states of high anxiety can cause hallucinations...

@1EarthLovingGal The religious call it that but we all know how delusional they are.... snicker


I’ve seen some strange things( in one case, many others saw them too, over a period of years). No way to explain them, but I don’t believe spirits go walking around. Maybe an energy imprint of some kind? Who knows. I just view them as unexplained.


I hear ya ! When you've had an actual experience - or more than one, how do you deny the presence of some phenomena ? I've had a couple undeniable situations. I don't drink or do drugs, nor was I over tired, or hallucinating - and they happened anyway. Not scary, not devils, but SOMEthing far from the norm - definitely. So ?

And the most convincing one was later confirmed by someone who knew nothing about my experience ...

@1EarthLovingGal I believe you .

@1EarthLovingGal Have you considered that in smoking weed you may be having this problem?... Some people do react to THC especially in higher dosages with hallucinations and paranoia. I take mine orally because I have pain issues and PTSD and the strain has a higher level of CBD in it as well which is a mild antipsychotic. Also schizophrenia can run in families and mild hallucinogens can stimulate the condition. I am NOT saying this is the case with you but it might be a good idea to check into it just in case to help ease your mind...

@1EarthLovingGal Personal preferences can trip you up.... A ghost can't hurt you but a real person can. I live in CA myself in an area which is OK as far as crime goes most of it is porch pirates and car break ins but even though for this state it is considered marginally high crime Oklahoma's crime rate is far above ours. The city of Los Angeles has a bad and often undeserved name for crime but the population is 200,000 higher than the state you live in (just the city itself) and yet your state has a far higher crime rate than LA does. Rape is very popular there and a naked supermodel is safer walking the streets of LA than a 5 foot tall, 400 pound, woman wearing a Muumuu is in your state.... because rape is 5.5 times as high there... Rape and murder when broken down per capita can tell you a lot about the people living in a certain area. Like I said though if I were you I would be far more afraid if it were a living person because a ghost can't rape or murder you...

@1EarthLovingGal Well if you ever feel like you might want to check things out here feel free to contact me and I will be happy to show you around. This part of the Inbred Empire (I call it that because we have too many Republicans from places like Texas in this part of the state) isn't too bad but you might enjoy LA or even San Diego counties even more.


People always say to me, "I know what I saw..." But in reality, we know what our brains TOLD US we saw. I'm not dismissive to those who claim to have seen ghosts, but there is the aspect of the brain that must be considered as well, and the brain is pretty creative.


Since I am a skeptic, I personally don't believe in an afterlife or a spiritual realm. Therefore, I would need to see evidence myself with my own eyes. Another person's experience is not enough for me to believe it. And in the world we live in today, so much can be digitally faked that I also wouldn 't believe a photo or video of supernatural creatures was real. I also don't think of Heaven or Hell as actual places but as metaphors.


Next time you see one take a photo and you could make some big money selling it to a newspaper


When my late wife died in our house in 2017 due to aggressive lung cancer,people say she left a Ghost,I have never seen it,others have,to sleep deep I take Melatonin tablets, and am out for 6-8 hours. They say she's in no pain and is watching,as in life she was a friendly person,so no lights are going off and on or other manifistations of paranormal activity, has been seen.


Tricks in perception. The human mind is quite easy to fool.

1of5 Level 8 May 22, 2019
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