Check Before Wearing
A full size mirror comes in handy before going out in public with your leggings...especially if they are made in China...they don't see things the same way we do...
More for laughs...
my wordy friend is speechless...ha ha ha
@thinktwice Yoga pants have always had that effect on me. If m'lady ever needs to shut me up for a minute, I guess I can tell her, put on a pair and walk around in front of me. I'll be tongue-tied...
they are simply graphic prints...just in the wrong spots...ha ha ha
@thinktwice I sent to a friend noting that they are kind of like tuxedo print t-shirts, but for penises
Too funny! But well hung! The rear target is handy.
ha ha nearly spit out my soda! ha ha ha funny response
Looks like somebody's shopping at Wish!..
oh you! ha ha ha
I've heard about Wish!
loved looking at the site ..somebody is having fun at your expense ,too funny in one way and very embarrassing in another
lol I would never wear those...they are not my style...I do like solid colored well made ones...I am boring
Your far from boring,,just sayin
I think China is laughing at us!
There was a lot of chat about this...I think it is just poor
@thinktwice ooooo happy accidents had one 2 weeks ago
@Charlene oh girl...what am I to do with you....ha ha ha...or to you? ha ha ha
May be they are long lingerie?
LuLaroe...if it were lingerie, it would be more acceptable? ha ha I think a woman wearing those would not be sexy to me...
Hey, don't poke fun. Some guys need a little help.
more in comment below... ha ha ha
lol more here
Too funny ,lol,,random or ?? certainly interesting party appareal
Oh that’s funny!
(Think the merchandisers... might have erred... on purpose????)
no...these are random products posted on the website for a well known line made in china...I just think they are so massed produced with goofy designs and not checked individually, resulting in some very funny posts...I picked a few of the tamer ones...just mismatched patterns in cheap clothing...
@linxminx yes...and often the method used to sell these cheap items is also under question...many require upfront inventory costs, unfair buy back policies, and operate like a pyramid scheme...many are women looking to improve their lives so they can be targets...