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If I ever talked to my parents this way, they'd knocked me the fuck out and rightfully so.

RobertMartin 8 May 29

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I admire the father's self control. If anybody got in my face that close to me and was talking that way to me, I would probably hit them if they had me cornered and I couldn't walk away. I am glad I didn't have kids as I don't have that kind of patience. At least I didn't continue the chain of bad parenting after me. If the father in this video had clocked the kid and gone to jail, I would never have voted to convict him if I were on that jury.


Just from personal experience, very few parents actually deserve respect. Very few parents are the authority in their households. The kids run the show which leads to obnoxious children who are begging for their parents to take control and set a few non-negotiable boundaries.

The only hope is that the children realize that their parents are the problem and do better by their own children. It is possible to over come bad parenting and be a good parent.


Found this .


He is a confused child. I would have disarmed him with love. His father is a dream. Had I done that to my parents I would still be hurting now.


Kid is wrong feeling his hormones needs his ass set down or kicked self defense for dad check for drugs good possibility

bobwjr Level 10 May 30, 2019
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