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Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, again disputes US intelligence findings on Russia

The Russian interference debate is ranging for over 2 years. The Conservatives are fighting the progressives and vice versa. Every day, it it Trump vs. the democrats. Accusations back and forth on both sides. Bickering, hurling insults, scoring political points, talking prison terms, impeachment. This is exactly what the voters were frustrated about in 2016.

Robert Mueller even came out yesterday and emphasized the seriousness and extent of the Russia interference in our democracy.

HOWEVER, has either party tried to do anything about that? Have legislations been proposed? Are rules being changed? Are states being told?

I do not see any effort to prevent Russia's interference in 2020. Trump has done nothing and democrats have done nothing.

Neither side has the moral right to saying it is doing the right thing for American people.

St-Sinner 9 May 30

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America has entered into a new level of fuckedupedness and there's no easy way out of it. I knew when Trump got elected that everything was going to be f***** up, that was a no-brainer, but I had no idea of just how bad it was going to be


I don’t know if there’s much that can be done. Anyone in the world is perfectly free to engage in a propaganda campaign—it’s done all the time. I’m not even sure if what Russia did should be called “interference”. They tried to exert influence.

If they had hacked the voting systems and changed the counts, then that would be interference.

They did hack into some voting systems and no one knows if they changed counts.


There's no controversy. Mueller provided clear evidence and associated indictments from Russian interference in our election. And yesterday he emphasized that all Americans need to take action. The controversy is that the giant anus McConnell refuses to bring the legislation to a vote because he knows that Russian interference benefits his party and to hell with the American people!


Mitch McConnell blocks election reform bill.



There have been multiple efforts on state and federal levels to beef up the security of elections. Some places have made efforts to return to paper ballots.
In many cases, these efforts have been defeated.

Just because you may not be aware of something, does not mean that it's not happening.

My understanding is th here is a rule when votes are close, don't know the range, there is a recount. Where I live in NJ, th ey don't have p as per ballotts. How would there be a recount.

@gigihein It's different everywhere.


Why are Americans so surprised and angry about whether Russia interfered in the elections. The US interfere and overthrow legally elected parties all over the world time and time again.

Amen sister, and Israel interferes in 'mercan politics every day.

@jlynn37 The US is just another arm of Israel.

yep, and always about the money.


Hardly pennies from heaven but I'll take them anyway!

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