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This made me throw up in my mouth a lil

SCal 7 June 3

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From a rampant adulterer & user/abuser of employees and business "partners" to a rabid babble-thumper........


Perhaps they could teach morality and ethics to children without tying it to any religion

Riiiiggght. Although, when i first went unto teaching i taught a catholic school, and the best religious class there was an ethics class using holocaust writings, non catholic. Needless to say, it was a great success and was replaced and the man teaching demoted from department chair and an uneducated nun put in charge. Both of us left soon after. He stayed Catholic but always admitted belief was a leap if faith and there was no scientific basis.


You can't really blame the guy. He's an illiterate buffoon and has no idea what it says.

Yeah he does ,he's just pandering to his inbred Base.

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