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I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video. I would like to know how you would answer the question. What is a personal relationship with God/Jesus really and what would you compare it to? I may use your thoughts in my next video! Thank you fo your help!

DavidLaDeau 8 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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I remember reading the Amityville Horror back in the 80's. One of the children in the story had a 'special friend', Jodi, that only she could see or communicate with. I imagine this personal relationship would have all the creepiness without the physical manifestations.


I would comparebit to having a personal relationship with an imaginary unexisting friend that some children have but eventually abandon when they realuze it ain't real and it ain't there for you at all.


I don't have one. I have a personal relationship with myself. I'm not saying I'm a god but I'm saying to know one's self is the key.


A personal relationship with God/Jesus is the same as having a personal relationship with Humpty-Dumpty -- it takes place entirely in one's imagination. It's like a child playing with an imaginary friend. that they insist is real.

It can also be very dangerous.

@DavidLaDeau Anything can be. In the wrong hands a teddy bear can be used to smother someone to death.


You can't have a "personal relationship" with imaginary entities, unless you have schizophrenia, or have dropped some pretty good acid! But if you could, I imagine it would be like getting repeatedly sodomized/lobotimized by the Demons of your own creation!

Christians do in fact LITERALLY create their own demons.


Most individuals who are sane cannot have a relationship with any thing they have never seen, touched, or have personal first hand provable knowledge of!

I find it amazing you can have a relationship with something you have never seen, touched, or actual factual proof of!

Faith is an oxymoron!

The Germans who followed the National socialist Workers Party had faith beyond self and religious beliefs! Hence faith has many faces from Fascism to god(s), their offspring and the faith in mankind!

So having a relationship with a any thing you have never had or experience first hand is faith!

A relationship that in reality has no real basis in fact or truth!

Hence faith like Fascism, religion, and death does not have a true reason to exist, it just does!

If only we could have faith without religion and political influence could we as a species be human?

Very few people see the connection between Fascism and Religion. I made a satire video about it. Watch it to the end. I KNOW you will enjoy it!


I feel bad for those people. They're solving there own problems. The ones they ask for help through prayer. They find solutions. But instead of giving themselves credit, they thank god. They cheat themselves.

Good things happen God
Bad things happen you suck!


I can't have a proper relationship with myself and other existing people, let alone if I can have it with someone who, probably, doesn't exist...


To me a personal relationship with God is a reason not to have to define the relationship and the only working definition anyone can have If it was anything else, there would be a way for others to share it and there's no indication that is possible.

redbai Level 8 June 10, 2019

Very true!


A personal relationship with God is simply a fantasy -- like Jimmy Stewart's relationship with the fantasy bunny "Harvey." It enables true believers to feel personal support and security that is simply false.

Then they end up here!

@DavidLaDeau hopefully!


Here is the video that I ended up making, I hope you folks like it!

Hyper-religiosity! Yes, more emphasis should be placed in the mental health community for that possibility in those with mental health issues caused by what you describe.

God is a literary character, a metaphor for whatever we can conceive is our creative source. When that literary character is seen as a literal entity, by parents, society, governments, etc., it surely is the basis for what you're describing.

When I was a child, I found the "Emperor Has No Clothes" story to be fascinating, and I think it helped me to have better critical thinking skills, prompting me to be skeptical about religion. (The Emperor's New Clothes - Hans Christian Anderson)

Thanks for sharing your story and hopefully it reaches those still perpetuating harmful beliefs.

@altschmerz Thank You! I hope to use the experience to help others form having to go through it!

@altschmerz, @Julie808 Actually and i'm not kidding, I never heard the story until a few years ago. It was not in the Bible!


I have a personal relationship with Geoffrey, my teddy bear. I talk to him, he communicates with me (in his own way). I take him with me, most of the time and he brings me joy.

Of course I can also see Geoffrey! He's not invisible!!



It is akin to the personal relationship you could form from believing that something that does not exist becomes real in your mind, and you then wallow in this non existent being, and sing crawling songs about him to piss in his pocket, give him at least 10% of your income, get down on your knees and worship this
egotistical fairy tale ghost, and waste the rest of your life in a fantasy dream world.

madmac Level 7 June 12, 2019

So when out Lord said, "I am the truth and the light" or I am the alpha and omega, or I am the light of the world, do you feel this might have been a bit egotistical?


David, you have an oxymoron here. <<<personal relationship with God/Jesus really>>> How can a personal relationship with Jesus be real?


Let's establish something here. First, all the attributes given to the Big Guy in the Sky and his Kid came from the minds of the folks writing the books and the ideas in the NT are not new. They originated long before writing came on the scene. Then, when folks learned how to record their ideas, they started putting together stories that bubbled up through the OT to the NT. So, whatever we find in the books has already been adjusted, massaged, and juggled for a few hundred years (maybe even a few thousand).

Now we have all these stories defining the character of the Heavenly Honcho and later his bastard son that came from the minds of men. Naturally, everything we discover about these characters is strangely familiar to us. Somehow this seems magical to us. The folks who were scribbling these ideas down said something on the order of, "Hey, this mystical man of ours has to have super powers, ya know?"

Anyway, all this tinkering around and imagining and puffing up made it so that no one could even begin to relate to these bigger than life, more perfect than perfect critters who can wipe us all out on a whim and have a couple of times. Now we're supposed to have a 'real' personal relationship with them? First they rely on scaring us to death and now they want us to be all lovey dovey.

A lot of messing with the statements in the holy books has transpired to get to that one. In the old days, say back about 70 or 80 years ago and before there was no talk about warm fuzzy relationships. There was a lot of fire and brimstone and spare the rod, spoil the child going on, but cozy relationships were of the world stuff. The most they had managed to do was avoid the stoning stuff. This love and serve is all new from the apologists who have been doing their thing with the writings to suit softer folk.

I'm sorry, what was your question again?


I don't see how anyone can claim to have a "relationship" with god. They describe this "relationship" as god giving them what they need (even though they are the one at work earning money to pay for all the stuff they thank god for) And they pray, sing songs to and about god, talk about god, and read his book. ... Okay. If I were to treat another human that way, read a book they wrote or about them, sing songs about or to this person and thanked them for all the stuff I bought with money I earned while working. ... Well, folks would call me crazy. and say "That is not a relationship!"

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