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Just curious. Who would not have joined this forum if it was called

Geoffrey51 8 June 9

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67 comments (26 - 50)

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It might've taken me longer to join. I've never been connected to any religion. I've only come out as an atheist to a small group of friends and those smart enough to figure it out. I live in the Bible belt and there are places that it's not safe for us to be known for our lack of religion. Some caution is in order.

It took me more words to say the same thing!

@EyesThatSmile While I can talk and write much, I try to be succinct.

@onthefire I lived in Knoxville when a guy shot up a Unitarian Church for being full of non-believers. Therefore, offending friends and family is not my only concern.


I would prefer it. I’m an agnostic atheist, the two terms aren’t mutually exclusive, but I prefer stating the overarching, more definitive position.


I probably would have joined sooner, it’s what I am.


I would join an because I’m an atheist.


I would have joined - I identify as Atheist.


Well I was googling 'atheist groups', not singles groups or agnostic groups but this one still came up.


I would...


I’m assuming wouldn’t have so many hypocritical leftists getting their panties in a wad when I say the exact same things about Islam that I say about Christianity.


I would have. An agnostic is one who does not yet have the courage to call himself/herself an atheist.

That's an arrogant crock of putrid shit.

I'm atheist,,, all the way!

That’s Bullshit


I'd have joined anyway.


It could've been named "Fuck Religion" but respect for all of the varied veins of thought might have prompted naming it what they did. We all have to live together on the planet. (It's funny how typing an underscore makes the font bold)

I would have joined"Fuck Religion" lol. There may even be a FB page for that!


What iamnobody said I have to agree with.😁

Now I have to agree with what you said !!... See?? That's how it works !! Have a great day 😊


How many have not joined because it's and not (and how would we know)? Or how many hesitated to join? I slightly hesitated to join.

kmaz Level 7 June 9, 2019

I would have - I consider myself to be 1st, atheist, 2nd, humanist, 3rd agnostic. This is the site that appeared on my facebook feed, saying a fb friend of mine liked it, so I clicked and was hooked immediately. I'm happy with it being called Agnostic.

I'm one of those who feels that if one is "agnostic" they are already admitting they don't 100% believe in god/s. I think because it is "middle of the road" and seems to welcome discussions with folks still transitioning from belief and non-belief, it fosters a higher sense of respectful dialog than many of the atheist sites that seem unwelcoming to those just testing the waters. seems to welcome questioning minds and a broader sense philosophical thought, in my opinion.


There is a site called and I was a member for a short time. Agnostic is a lot better.


Having identified myself as Atheist since I was twenty-four I would have been on it a lot sooner. that said, I look for those that question and think. Sadly not a lot of those in Brevard County, FL.

BillF Level 7 June 9, 2019

Yes, I'm not a fan of equivocation. Lol


I would have.


I am an atheist.

Under the Learn tab above, read About Us:

Agnostic is a non-profit and non-prophet community for people who are naturally good without any gods. Our members have a wide range of views about what the site should be about. For some, it's a place to nurture humanist or non-religious principles. For others, it's a place to recover from a religious past or to reaffirm one's non-theism.

We hope to provide a safe place for people to share their thoughts and opinions, get involved in secular causes, keep up with news, and even meet others. We are not an anti-religion website.

We want to be defined by principles and not what we don't believe.

The following are core principles we agree with:

Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

Every person has the right to control of their body.

A god is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

There is no one right way to live.

Leave the world a better place than you found it.

Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God is unknown or unknowable. Atheism is simply living life without any gods. Most people who have one view, also has the other.

Yes but if the site were called "" would You still have joined?

That's the game we're playing. How would you have felt about it then?


Of course I would join a website named


I would not have joined.


I joined at


I would have joined more quickly.

MsAl Level 8 June 10, 2019



Not me.


It's sometimes let me share an image that I keep on my desktop...

Hey! No "deist" in your handy, helpful graph (or whatever it is)? What's the deal? Thomas Freakin' Jefferson was a deist! Lots of famous people were and are! What, they didn't/don't exist? Some people think bisexuals don't exist. I'm a bisexual agnostic deist.
.I don't exist?
(I think there MAY be some sort of "god" whatschmacallit, for those of you keeping score.)

@Storm1752 Good point; actually I hadn't heard of "deist" but looked it up...

here you go;

A theist is someone who believes in any god or gods of any shape or kind. A deist is someone who holds a belief in god based on what they perceive as evidence from reason and nature alone, to the rejection of supernatural claims or revelation (this is the part which distinguishes deism from

There's even a diagram that includes "Deism"...I just can't download it or paste it. But do look it up, copy the link or download it....then share it!


I'm surprised they don't have it unless someone else is domain squatting.

I would have joined

Yes, it looks like godbot's got the domain first.

Now it is a bogus crap site which has nothing to do with atheism.

Curse ye godbot's!!

@Heathenman damn I wish I could insert the gif from planet of the apes, with the statue of Liberty in it.

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