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Random Question Who here thinks you have a "Resting Bitch Face" or a "Resting Dick Face"?

Let's have fun with this. Take the RBF Test []

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Buxx 7 June 13

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I do. Many people over the years have reacted strangely to my thinking/neutral face. I delveloped a resting smirk face to keep people from feeling judged when I am actually just daydreaming in their presence.

LB67 Level 7 June 16, 2019

I read “wrestling” dick face and thought I better find out.


"Resting dick face" that is a new one for me. Thanks.

JacarC Level 8 June 13, 2019

Years of using public transport late at night had given me RBF par excellence. Or as I used to put it, 'set face to fuck off'.

lol well you're not going to get any pretty girls passing the time chatting to your Mr Grumpy face

@MsDemeanour "I'll just chat up this random bloke late at night on public transport" said no sane woman ever.

@MrBeelzeebubbles lol Only on a Saturday night

@MsDemeanour ok, maybe I should have said sane or sober.


I've only seen my dark side a coupe4l times when I was a kid. I just got pushed to a poitn where it was liek another person took over to coldly and efficiently dispatch ((beat up) the person(s) causign me problems. To be perfectly honest, that side of me scares me. I'm very glad Ihaven't seen ti since i was a kid.


um....I dunno what that even means

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