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OK...the reservations are made...the plans are laid....I'm hitting the road this coming Wednesday. Driving my new Tesla from Ft. Pierce, Fl up to New Paltz, N.Y. to visit some old friends....then out to Long Island for some more friend-visits. then home by July 6-7. If anyone wants to meet me along the's the map and plan....I'm thinking of having lunch on the way up (or way home?) in Lexington WVA at the famous "Red Hen"; If you're a Tesla fan, check out this fabulous route planner!


Robecology 9 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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VERY nice , I admire you & hope u
enjoy !!!

BBJong Level 7 June 15, 2019

You're the "Allentown" resident I chatted with a while ago. I think I shared Billy Joel's lyrics with you?

@Robecology yep-if you can visit
American First Nation reservations in N.Y

@BBJong Not sure what/where you're referring to?


I want to ride in a Tesla but your map doesn't make that possible. I hope you have friends in California and come this way someday.

There's more Teslas in California than all other 50 states combined.

There's even a California Tesla club... click here...or google Teslas and then write in the name of your community.


and do go for a test drive...they're free; they don't hassle you about "sign here" or "are you ready to order"....they're very un-pushy and I guarantee the car will blow you away!



When are you going to be in Carlisle, PA? Looks like you have a 2 hour charge time there! Do you live in Ft. Pierce? Sounds like a cool trip!

Yep! I should be there early- mid afternoon!

Tesla Supercharger, 8 stalls, 120kW
1720 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle
Charger in



By my arithmetic that works out at 6 cents per mile which sounds like good value compared to diesel or petrol even allowing for the cheap fuel prices in the US. Of course you have to factor in the extra cost of an electric car and the possible replacement of batteries during the life of the car.

I've had a Tesla since 2013.

I've replaced the battery twice; and it was their tab (under warrantee!) I even had to replace a coupe of motors! But they make the experience easy.

This newer one has a much better range; 335 miles - So I should make better time on this trip.

I'm also going because my "free supercharging" expires this, too, is on Tesla. But even if/when we have to pay for it the cost is far cheaper than gas...and far less polluting.

Do contact your nearest Tesla for a test drive. If you decide to buy...use my referral code for a 1000 free supercharger miles.


@Robecology Thanks but a bit too expensive for me and there are limited charging facilities here. I was considering a hybrid Mitsubishi next time.
Enjoy the trip. I did a 6000 mile trip by motorbike a few years ago From Spokane to the west coast,down to San Francisco. then up the Rockies to Denver and back to Connecticut. Great fun.

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