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Top 20 most and least religious countries

The 20 most religious countries

Ethiopia - 99% feel religious
Malawi - 99%
Niger - 99%
Sri Lanka - 99%
Yemen - 99%
Burundi - 98%
Djibouti - 98%
Mauritania - 98%
Somalia - 98%
Afghanistan - 97%
Comoros - 97%
Egypt - 97%
Guinea - 97%
Laos - 97%
Myanmar - 97%
Cambodia - 96%
Cameroon - 96%
Jordan - 96%
Senegal - 96%
Chad - 95% (six other countries - Ghana, Mali, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Zambia - also returned a result of 95%)

The 20 least religious countries

China - 7% feel religious
Japan - 13%
Estonia - 16%
Sweden - 19%
Norway - 21%
Czech Republic - 23%
Hong Kong - 26%
Netherlands - 26%
Israel - 30%
United Kingdom - 30%
New Zealand - 33%
Australia - 34%
Azerbaijan - 34%
Belarus - 34%
Cuba - 34%
Germany - 34%
Vietnam - 34%
Spain - 37%
Switzerland - 38%
Albania - 39% (three other countries - Austria, Hungary and Luxembourg - also returned a result of 39%)

Source: []

NR92 6 June 17

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I'm going to China!


I wondered how this correlates with happiest country’s? So I googled that shit. It didn’t quiet match the way I thought it would but there are some similarities particularly In Happiest and least religious.
According to the UN for 2019

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Norway
  4. Iceland
  5. Netherlands
  6. Switzerland
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Canada
  10. Australia
    Least Happy
  11. South Sudan
  12. Central African Republic
  13. Afghanistan
  14. Tanzania
  15. Rwanda
  16. Yemen
  17. Malawi
  18. Syria
  19. Botswana
  20. Haiti

These Are the Happiest (and Most Miserable) Countries in the World By CAITLYN HITT Published On 03/20/2019


You can see the huge correlation between religion and poverty.

BD66 Level 8 June 18, 2019

Note how impoverished, economically backward, and less educationally open the most religious countries tend to be?

Cause or effect?

@jerry99 Probably a bit of both. A vicous circle?


Did they forget to ask Portugal again?


I just like saying Djibouti.


Almost an inverse in terms of economic development. Hmmmmmmmm......


The most religious above, stone, imprison and give death penalties to people with sexual preference. So no LGBT rights either.

The countries who are least religious are also generally more prosperous countries. They don't allow religion (and corruption) to keep them back.

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