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What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 13

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Several hundred $ on motorcycle clothing and gear. Seemed like a good occasion not to cheap out.


When I was in college nearing graduation (1977) I bought a three peice taylored wool suit, ivory color, $400 (a lot then). It was great and I looked like the shit then, thin, bushy curly, brunet/redish hair.

It's gone! Now, it's all gone.


$30,000 on my fully functioning replica batman suit from the cartoon.

@Redcupcoffee Totes 😛


New hiking boots. $180.


A five hundred dollar suit my sister bought me for interviews after I graduated from college. The darn thing must have shrunk because it's too small now.


Probably a pair of Jordans. They were like $140. I got them for free though. If we count sun glasses, then it was a pair of Oakley's that cost a little bit more than $300. I got those for free too lol. Also a suit. I have one that cost about $900. I got it for about a little bit less than half price though.


150 dollar Loki dress....I regret nothing.

Avengers Loki? Awesome.


$1,200 silk Armani shirt, but it was on clearance and I got it for $300

@Shelton Yep, it's great.. I've had it for about 8 years now and it's still in perfect condition. It's a long sleeve, black button up shirt that can be used for both dressing up and more casual situations. I call it my "second date shirt"..


A freaking pair of glasses $350. Geez, what you have to do to see in this world.

@Shelton I saw a show one time that went into the sunglass industry and showed that the cheaper manufacturers were getting their lenses from the same places that more expensive manufacturers were getting them. In a nutshell you were paying for name only when buying sunglasses.


Army uniforms, they only cost 6 years of my life.

@Redcupcoffee Yes, it was. I got some fabulous experience from it, and my kids can truly say "my mama wore combat boots."

@arronpaul46 Thank you!! It is really easy to be pretty at 20something, as I realize how old that picture is. Circa 1980.


I bought a packet of three condoms ,I got frustrated, they were too small.


I suppose it would be my ballroom dance shoes, at $120.

I either bought clothes second hand or designed and sewed them myself. My husband, a dapper dresser and airline pilot used to give me money to buy special ultra-light, non-wrinkle travel clothing for our frequent trips, but most items were under $100.


I purchased a hand made leather (yes, I'm a vegetarian, but this is an heirloom piece) doctor's bag type purse while on vacation in Madrid. It is beautiful! I paid $600 for it, and condsidered it my birthday/Xmas gift to myself.


A pair of sneakers I bought for a trip. I needed a good sturdy pair of shoes to walk around in and couldn't find any in my size. The problem was I also had severe swelling in my feet and ankles from lymphedema, so even extra-wides wouldn't fit me. The only shoes that would fit were heavy clunky orthopedic things, but I was also going to be in a warm climate so I needed something lightweight. Finally found a pair that fit, I think I maybe paid around $150 for them. Wore them the entire two weeks I was away, and then never put them on again.


I have a 2 pairs of jeans that at their brand store are roughly 60-80 each...I spent 5 total because goodwill #fwm


1,000 wedding dress, $500 prom dress. But beyond that, maybe one $200 dress, and most items cost $10-30 I own today


A suede jacket, I think about $300.00, must have worn it a good 2, 3 times. another dumb piece was a neck tie from Brooks Brothers, on sale, just had to have it... on sale $75.00... now live in the desert, haven't worn either item in.... ???

Tomas Level 7 June 25, 2018
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