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I am a 100% skeptic about all things supernatural! Do any of you hold on to any supernatural beliefs after letting god go? Ghosts, astrology, magick?

Coffeeman 7 July 2

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There have been scientific investigation done about ghost existence, while I think it doesn't need to do so, and they could not find any evidence that ghost exist.

NR92 Level 6 July 3, 2019

Thank you! I think ghosts are bullshit!


The supernatural only exists in the imaginations of gullible people.The supernatural isn't backed up with any credible evidence I'm aware of. That being said, I love ghost stories and supernatural horror. I recognize, however, that these things are fiction.

I think that's a very general unfair statement. "The supernatural only exists in the imaginations of gullible people". There would probably never be any evidence for what I saw. but a few things followed after that, which confirmed that I actually seen and experienced events which I cannot explain. and other occurrences.

@TimeOutForMe In the Spring of 1989 I experienced an event that I not only can't explain but that seemed to violate the laws of physics. After all these years, I still have no idea how to explain it away but it did happen right in front of my eyes. Regardless of this, I don't believe in the supernatural, just the unexplained.

I'm not a fundi on the known laws of physics but I'm sure it is not cast in stone and can be revised to be consistent with observation. We cannot simply dismiss what we see.

@TimeOutForMe I;m not suggesting we dismiss it, just that it be approached with a healthy skepticism and a tendency toward rationality rather than a leap to the supernatural. I see that as the very last explanantion only if reason and rationality fail.

There has to be scientific evidence for these unexplained occurrences. Currently it's not in their box marked X. They need to lift the lid.

Thank you! I think you are right on the money!


I’m skeptical about the supernatural but I’m also agnostic about it. I’m open to the possibility and existence of supernatural but not on sketchy half baked evidence or reasoning. Thus I don not reject them out of hand either.

Ok, thank you!


never had to let them go because i never believed in any of them, but i LIKED astrology. liking and believing are not the same. i still like tarot, and no, it's not magic; it's just an intuitive tool, at least the way i use it. pretty cards, too. ghosts? i actually encountered a poltergeist and i STILL don't believe in them. i just don't have another name to call what i encountered.


Ok, I've read lots of similar replies on this post! Thank you!


I hold no beliefs other than those required to get us through the day without cognitive overload. I like to think I am 100% free of nonsense.

with a hat like that and no horse, there is definitely a bit of nonsense about you! 😀

That's great!


No, I'm with you 100%

glad you are on board! 100%!

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