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Ex combat pilot Amy McGrath, Democrat is running vs Mitch McConnell as Kentucky Senator. Kudos to Amy McGrath!

sassygirl3869 9 July 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Hoping she succeeds ! If not now, soon, I’m extremely pleased with the numbers of women that are impacting the political scene... be awesome to hear Madam President.

Tomas Level 7 July 10, 2019

When I get some money I will contribute.


She's gonna have to do better than that to beat bitch mccornhole.


And here's the strategy she's going to use. My enthusiasm was immediately quashed. []


I wish her well, but her main criticism of McShithead was that he’s not Trumpy enough.


She will have a tough time, unfortunately. Not much hope for white men in Kentucky, but you'd think the women would vote according to their own interests, for once.


I will kick in a few $


Her announcement came with a 3 minute outline as to how Mitch McConnell screwed up Washington single handedly

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