Brazil is becoming a theocracy, in Rio de Janeiro, there are Christian thugs who belong to the drug cartel that walks heavily armed with rifle 7.62, they are censuring any kind of belief beyond Christianity.
they believe that Jesus protects them from the police, and the devil is using the religion of spiritism to bring bad luck to the illegal drug trade.
I want one day to escape from this hell called Brazil!
I also read a while ago that religion inspired macho gang men used to beat up and kill gays because of religious teachings and now this? It’s ironic that the giant statue of jesus is pretty useless in stopping poverty, corruption and crime in your country. Hope your wish comes true and you can live in another safer, prosperous and secular country.
These alt-Right idiots are everywhere unfortunately. I’m sorry your country is having it bad right now.
There are nutters everywhere in this world, not only Brazil.
@OwlInASack That is what is happening in Australia too. Lies and lies is all they tell people.
7.62? Those have not been used in combat for years. If you are talking about the M-14, it's semi with an 8 rd strip. Get an ak-47, ar-15, or SKS.
I'll leave Brazil issues to the Brazilians.... Muito obrigado
I realized after posting my original comment just how angry this makes me. So I'll just add.... Take away their weapons and they will become a mewling bunch of fucking punks. Sorry for the language - no I'm not..never mind. I hate it when groups think they have power because they have guns and they will control you. That is not, nor was it ever meant to be that way. And please don't think I'm a gun fanatic, I'm not, I don't own a weapon and probably never will but I was raised in a hunting community who respected weaponry. This new craze to own guns so that you can terrorize others is just a mess and needs to be addressed.
here is the land to the contrary! the bad guys chase the police and the light pole piss on the dog.
I'm reading the comments here and I just want to say that for me it doesn't necessarily matter what size the weapon is that is being carried. It is frightening to see armed groups on the streets when you know their motive is in controlling other's behaviors and beliefs and in making me feel fear.
Some of therm probably believe in Santeria also. The world is a crazy place and people everywhere believe in assorted nonsense of many kinds.
Yes, the gangsters are censoring the santeria here.
Because the crimimal has bens converted by christian pastors, and has taugh to them that santeria give them bad luck if it os located in criminals territory.
Santeria is a caribean/central american style of sincretism.
In Brazil we also have something similar, but not related, we also have the pure african religions too.
But santeria is not common, maybe in the north part where there is some caribean influence (very low) but in the south-east where Rio is probably not.
@Pedrohbds i said santeria for you understand better what i meant that santeria and afro-brazilian religion are similar.
Here in Brazil is called: candomblé, umbanda and macumba.
It always happened, the difference that this behaviors is arriving in the lower classes that can't hide it under a refinement cloak.
The Brazilian elites always hided under religion while promoting large scale censorship, oppression and crimes. And of course, if they get caught they were only a bad example of christian, nothing to do with the religious structure itself.
The growth of evangelical churches that came from US and found in HuEland a fertile source of income and power accelerated this. Now herds of brainwashed people desire for a teocratic state. I remember when I was part of this churches (end of 90s begining of 2000's), people saying glory and amen when the leaders says that they will have a religious leader in power, and then God will be the law.
They (evangelicals) spoke of peace and acceptance in the past because they were minority, now that they are feeling powerful they are going for the head and openly speaking of destroying other religions (they are not full majority, but the noisy ones even receive support from catholics to make this religious cleansing).
The president already says that from the 2 supreme court ministers that he will indicate (in Brazil they are automatically retired when reach a certain age), one will be a "terrifying" evangelical (translating his own words).
And people close their eyes to it because now the target is to get rid of the communists and their corruption (even if the current government already showed some corrupt activities).
So yes, Brazil will travel back in time some decades.
Are you Brazilian? Your comment Has done very well, i agree with your opinion about our president.
@Williamcristiano HuEhUe
Yep I am Brazilian
@Pedrohbds which state are you from?
@Williamcristiano Piracicaba-SP
@Pedrohbds I've visited piracicaba, I live in campinas-sp.
I'm glad to hear that you were able to go to a better country than Brazil.
My best regards to you
Good luck. We hear about the destruction of the rain forest here which is much worse since Bolsonaro was elected president but not so much about this..
My nephew has worked all over the world teaching English but only lasted a few weeks in Rio de Janeiro as it was too dangerous to go out in the evenings, so there is obviously no improvement , in fact it sounds a lot worse.
I am from state of san paulo, the neighbor state of rio de janeiro, and i can say, there is the worsty place of Brazil to go.All the Brazilian thinks that most of rio de janeiro people are dishonest and cheat, and there are a high violence rate!
Sooner or later the Crusades have to arrive to the Americas!!!!!
I have also thought, for years, that a second inquisition was going to happen.
Sounds exactly like the Vatican! Do the Brazilian Christian thugs rape a lot of children? If not, maybe it is a better place then the Vatican.
The majority of thugs don't raping.
@Williamcristiano Well, maybe it is not such a bad place!
hmmm, i'll strike Rio from my must visit list..
the amazon jungle is better than the rio de janeiro, in my opinion.
Rio is the old capital, famous but in many ways decadent.
Säo Paulo or even the southern states capitals are better cities, The capitals i North east have better beaches and views in general, the forests of central (Pantanal region) and North (amazonic region) are far better, bigger and better preserved.
And all of them are safer than Rio.
That president is a POS
What is the meaning of this "POS" word?
@Williamcristiano Piece Of Sh--
@towkneed yep!
The problem is that there was no option really. The other 2 strong candidates were a regional politician, famous for coming from a very corrupt family of thugs that practically own one of the states. The other was from a corrupt party that has most of his high ranking politicians in jail for corruption.
There were nice options, but people just went for the worse and more vocal.
@Williamcristiano POS = piece of shit
@itsmedammit Is it weird that my first reading is always Point of Sale? lol My goddamn time in retail poisoned my mind.