12 13

Acosta has resigned.

Drip, drip, drip.

Happy Friday, heathens!!!

KKGator 9 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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And the replacement???????? Need to cut off the head to kill the monster as it keeps regrowing tentacles.


Saw his bogus conference with Trump this morning. He's gone but unfortunately we still have to listen to the Moron in Chief. His Press conference this morning was narcisistic and a campaign rally.


Acosta's fate is well deserved.

He deserves much worse.

@snytiger6 I agree !!!


Fox's favorite judge called it yesterday - said he expected Acosta to be out by Friday. Boom. 😉


No reason to cheer. Drumpf and repugs have a pattern of replacing the ones who resign with worse. Look at AG Barr 😟


Trumpy hires only the "best, and the brightliest"!


Now I have, "Ding dong the witch is dead", in my head.

MizJ Level 8 July 12, 2019

Here you go....


And the next POS reprobate that the Trumpster will hire will be..........................





It’s a pity they all fall eventually.....except Teflon Trump!

This may contribute to his fall; one can hope!

@MizJ We’re all hoping that!

@MizJ There is such a logn laundry list of things Trump has done, or bad judgements he has made.... The trick for Democrats is figuring out which ones to focus on. They need to focus on the screw ups that republican voters will care about. No sense just preaching to the choir.

@snytiger6 Perhaps the emphasis should be on improvement instead of finger-pointing the flaws.

No teflon. He'll go down in flames eventually.

@KKGator Hope so!


The next one may be worse, but can't imagine how...

Rignor Level 7 July 12, 2019

I pretty much figured he's end up resigning. He was probably only hired because he had a record of lettign rich people slide by when they get caught breaking the law.

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