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Most US women won't dine alone with opposite sex, survey suggests (July 2017 story)

Many eyebrows were raised when it emerged US Vice-President Mike Pence would not dine alone with a woman who was not his wife.

A surprise poll for the New York Times has discovered more than half of women agree with him - as well as 45% of men.


St-Sinner 9 July 12

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There is definitely an assumption that dinner with the opposite sex is automatically a date. I have a buddy of 20 years who I often go out to eat/go drinking with. He is a dear friend and we always laugh when people assume we're a couple and everyone does. Truth be told I'm fairly certain his wife tells him to call when she wants some peace and quiet, lol.

@St-Sinner what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I am getting the idea that yiu may be an utter wanker.


Mike Pence can conduct his private life anyway he see fit. That's none of my business...... Now, who wants to have dinner with me? 😉😊😁😎


Ohferpetessake, you are really this dumb?

Was the question about being alone with a stranger, or having a meal in public, or? Huge difference! Example, a smart woman will wait for the next elevator if in a lonely place, but not hesitate to sit at a communal restaurant table.....


total b.s.

lerlo Level 8 July 13, 2019

I wouldn't think twice about it.

I've dined out with men who I'm not dating without batting an eye. Business - friends - I'm not there to ruin their relationships - it would be insane to think so. I know what my morals are. And I am not a home wrecker.

I do have one friend who started dating a very insecure woman and I don't see much of him now - but he explained her insecurities to me. I'm okay with that. I understand that his primary relationship is more important to him and that the woman has some issues. (She's good to Him that's what matters). We can still correspond and talk - so I'm cool with that.


I've always considered myself as liberal as they come. The photo posted is of an extremely attractive young woman in a nice restaurant with a drink. If I had a burger with a co-worker who looked like that at lunch nothing would be said but if I told my wife to eat alone and I went out in the evening with her that would pretty much end my marriage. If I were single of course that would be a different circumstance. I really don't think I am unusual with this attitude as most of the married men I know agree with me.

gearl Level 8 July 12, 2019

Stupid reaction to assign morality to human interaction this is like sharia law that conservatives are trying to impose here and yet condemning Muslim Faith while practicing the same thing irrational religious beliefs

bobwjr Level 10 July 12, 2019

My first reaction is what has been beat into me for a lifetime. It is inappropriate. But why, really? After listening to your responses I have come to realize that it is totally okay. Now in retrospect it seems absurd I thought it was inappropriate. See, you can change someone's mind on the Internet.


That’s ridiculous. I have as many male friends as female friends plus a bunch who are gender queer. I have spent time with all of them individually and have never done anything untoward except tell raunchy jokes. If people cannot trust themselves to be with anyone else, they are the problem, not the circumstances.

UUNJ Level 8 July 12, 2019

You are included in the remaining 45% women who would do it. According to the survey the majority of women would not.

@St-Sinner The article says the more conservative and less educated you are, the more you dislike the idea. Since I’m a liberal with a PhD I guess my feelings are no surprise.


Really? Sounds strange to me. If I'm having a meal with someone most likely there are other people in the restaurant. And why would this be a strange or foreboding thing? Now if the question had been would you have dinner in a hotel room with a person not your partner I would answer differently.


People who live in fear become slaves to fear.

THHA Level 7 July 12, 2019

Is that us?

"The only thing to fear is fear itself." Most people today do not get the meaning of that phrase. It means that fear, as an emotion, is bad, because it destroys the ability to think logically and reasonably . . . . usually leading to worse consequences.


That is crazy. I have lunch or dinner with men at work all the time and would not think twice about it.

Therefore you are included in the remaining 45% women who would do it. According to the survey the majority of women would not.

@St-Sinner well, I guess I find it hard to believe that any woman would think that way. But to each his own.

Now I'm curious "Would you dine alone with a man not your husband?" is kind of a front loaded question. "Would you have lunch or dinner with a male friend/ coworker?" would get more positive responses

@Buttercup agreed. All in the way it is framed.

I couldn't find the poll but it was conducted by a marketing company. They may be selling something. Not too subtle but a poll question I was once asked was preceded by X (candidates name) is in favor of protecting social security and "his opponent" want to turn seniors out of their homes.

@believeinlove for clarification, is this man a coworker, a friend from high school or college, her brother's best friend? Who is the man? And does alcohol make every man a sex crazed idiot? Or every woman? We are not talking about a date or an affair, I assume. My assumption was we are talking about dinner with a co worker, of the opposite sex or someone of the opposite sex who is a friend. I have had dinner with coworkers, with male friends from college and high school and not thought twice about it. And even had a glass of wine and managed to keep my clothes on. I have control of myself.

@believeinlove yes. What kind of world do you live in where A) dinner = sex or B) womens husbands get to control who they do or don't interact with?

@believeinlove you and your spouse don't do anything apart? That is truly weird to me. Honestly my friend and I would love if his wife came out for our jaunts, she's one of my favorite people and obviously his too. She doesn't like the type of food we tend to go for or the dives we lile to drink in so, yeah. I am fairly certain she likes that I give her husband something to do out of yhe house and her hair from time to time.

@believeinlove we are friends. Is your only friend your spouse? Do you not enjoy doing things with your friends?
Also where do you get not that common? In your life? Because it's pretty normal in my world. I stand by my "that's just weird" statement.

@believeinlove yes of course it matters. I would not go out to dinner with a random man, or drinks etc. But someone I am friends with, why not? And I asked my significant other what he thought and he said a co worker, an old friend fine. We have not been together that long and don't have mutual friends so while I would happily bring him along, he may not want to listen to high school college reminiscing🙂 And he also knows I would rather be with him than anyone else so he is secure enough to not be worried.


When I was receiving theological training, those majoring in becoming clergy were told never to be alone in their office with a woman they were counseling. It was presented both as protection from false accusations and from "sexual temptation". At the time it seemed like reasonable advice, although the implicit assumption that any accusations of impropriety were either bogus or the woman's fault, was unsavory. The whole "Madonna or whore" dichotomy for women was (and still is) popular with them.

On the other hand ... I think that LSWs and psychitatrists and psychologists get similar advice, do they not? Otherwise a patient could make allegations that could be career-ending.

At any rate ... Pence's rule is far from unheard-of. Fundamentalists generally regard sexuality as radioactive and something you need to avoid direct contact with at all costs, much less in overtly intimate / private situations.

Even my wife, who is both an atheist and knows that I would not cheat on her in a million years ... in other words, I'm no polecatter ... still, she would not be comfortable and would have feelings of jealousy if I hired a subcontractor who was an attractive woman and I was working closely with that person behind a closed office door, possibly not even my own office.

So it seems like keeping clear of certain situations is prudent. In an ideal world, it wouldn't be necessary. In the real world, discretion might be the better part of valor -- even outside of the religious right. Because people suffer from jealousy and insecurity ... despite knowing better.

Social Workers/Therapists/Psychiatrists - no they have to be able to work alone in an office with patients of either sex or they can't run their business. It would be ridiculous to try to function otherwise.

Never mind that trust is one of the most important components of that relationship.

I worked doing therapy - in a Respite setting and was often alone with clients of either sex. Occasionally mistaken in public for being out with "A date" - and couldn't rectify that due to HIPPA. (Bloody small towns!). Nowadays most folks in those situations wear a name badge. (We did eventually but if a client asked for discretion I'd oblige them).


The two situations which you are attempting to conflate are not necessarily compatible. A dining situation can have implications and pitfalls that are different from thise associated with being a jounalist and doing a job.

Questions of who pays, believe it or not that is a high anxiety question for many women. If you let the guy pay, many immature guys attach expectations to that action. They believe if they pay, they expect something in return. You offer and srmand to pay, and the same other petson is insulted. It many cases it is a no win situation for the women.

In the situation where a woman journalist is doing a job
the lines of expectations and behaviors are more clearly laid out. Not that individuals might not overstep those boundaries, but is less likely.

Given the raising of perceptions over the last couple of decades, the situations outlined above have decreased. But there are still a large number of socially immature men out there.

t1nick Level 8 July 12, 2019

Total Obstructionist republican fascist hype!


Am I the only person finding it hard to believe that this poll result is correct. If these were statistics from some Islamic nation I would believe it, but surely not from the USA in the twenty-first century! I certainly do not believe you would get the same findings from the UK or any European country, what possible reason would prevent a person sitting in a restaurant and having a meal with a member of the opposite sex?

You are probably thinking of the 45% of the remaining percentage of women who would go.

I don't believe it.

@GreatNani Neither do I.

Vast numbers of people believe Jesus is god and in astrology. Context is important too, if the guy was treating it as a date and she wasn't interested it's a matter of safety or at least avoiding an uncomfortable situation.

Polls aren't unbiased, I want to see what was actually asked.

@Buttercup context is important that is true.


Don't belive this!

zesty Level 7 July 12, 2019

May be you would believe if you lived in Mississippi?


I thought the whole point of the Revolution was that people were people, and we aren't supposed to regard each other as "men" or "women" but just another individual? Going out to dinner isn't automatically a date, is it?

Yes but the religious right wants to take us back to the Biblical days.

Mary Magdalene was always accompanied by someone when she went to see Jesus.

@St-Sinner if she were a real person, just like many women still do today through much of the Mid-East.

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