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Do not fight fascism because you will win, fight fascism because its fascism.

GregBarth 2 July 13

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Antifa: basement-dwelling mask-wearers beat normal people on the street in portland and claim they are fighting "fascists."
Antifa: The worst of us. Orwell described them. Beware.

JacarC Level 8 July 15, 2019

Fascism and fascists are a cancerous rot which is continually threatening to erode the moral and ethical core of a society. When the rest of society chooses to ignore this scourge, it is allowed to flourish and everyone eventually suffers the horrifying consequences.

Fascists have no moral and ethical compass. They are self-serving, myopic individuals who will turn on others without so much as a thought and then turn on each other once they’ve destroyed everybody and everything else. They are the type of people who would not hesitate to pull out a weapon and use it in order to ensure that nobody else picks up a stray dime off of the sidewalk.

Fascists prey upon the most vulnerable and less educated members of a society, using them like toilet paper. Much as I wish this vermin could be easily eradicated from the planet, history shows us that there will always be people born who, for what ever reason, feel as though they have a right to manipulate others without regard for the suffering it may cause. Just so long as they get theirs.

The war against fascism rages on, and each generation must be willing to take up the battle axe from the last or the generation which follows will be left living in a world where scant few flourish and the rest live in a world of misery with little to no hope of ever breaking the cycle of poverty.


Why do you hate Republicans so much?

Because todays Republicans lack empathy, are generally selfish and self-centered. Many tend to be racist and sexist, as well as unethical and whiners. Plus they are the poster children for white privilige. Other than that I can't think of a thing.

@t1nick i really didnt think i needed to put /sarcasm at the back of that 😉


How would you define fascism? Curious to see if it matches my definition. And what in your opinion makes it evil?


Good! ... sure we will!


It os more than this one man in the White House. It is the fear and willlingness to blame the "other" that pervades the country and the inability to see what is going on here. We have never been so uncaring and scared of the forces that rule here.


Trumpie must go! Impeach now!


you're missing the point. when the senate doesn't remove him he will claim that the impeachment proceedings where his trial and he was found not guilty. and the public will buy it. at least enough of him to pose a greater risk of his reelection.

Whoa jumping to your own preprogrammed conclusions as to what the comment pertains to much!

If he has committed impeachable offenses then the house must/ should/need to impeach. What the Semate does is on them. Follow the rule of law and the constitution. What is the reason for all this fear.? FIGHT BACK

@Tooreen not a matter of fear. only a fool goes rushing in without a plan.

@JeffMesser true, trying to anticipate a reaction by the public and Senate however is paralysis. Articles of impeachment originate in the House. The trial is in the Senate. Senators would have to stand with Trump or vote to impeach. Susan Collins for one coukd find this extremely difficult

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