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Hi everyone. I wasn’t sure about joining as I definitely would label myself as an atheist but as I look around I’m seeing that I’m not alone. I was a theist for a long time but now I have to admit that I fn love atheism. I would say besides the lack of belief in a god, I love atheism because I believe it will help us to finally move forward out of the dark ages many still live in. If you are an atheist, what brought you to atheism?

JohnnyJohnny 5 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Nothing yet!


There are a few atheists on here but not many.Most call themselves agnostics.and I would reckon a few are closet theists.
I was made to go to sunday school/church as a youngster but as soon as I left home I stopped going and took no interest in religion at all.
I dated a religious woman a few years ago and she tried to get me interested so I did a bit of research and read widely including the new English bible. I quickly realised that the whole thing is based on mythology and has no factual basis whatsoever.

Between your response and your profile I can get a pretty good picture of things. I think we should clarify the difference between what people self identify as because of social pressure and what they are in reality. When you don’t believe in god or gods, you are by definition an atheist. And no, being an atheist isn’t any easier today because so many agnostics are hiding behind a word for camouflage.

@AthiestMeme Not if one doesn’t give a damn one way or the other. Agnostic, atheist is just labelled jargon. Declaring atheism or agnosticism or vegan is the camouflage. In real life no one really cares. If you have something interesting to share, fantastic. If it’s the ‘virtues of atheism’ old chestnut, not going to open any new ground, it’s just declaring division.

@Geoffrey51 But people obviously do give a damn because it is frequently a subject posted here.

@Moravian Agreed.

@Moravian, @Geoffrey51, @AthiestMeme Boys, why don't you get yourselves lives and do something worth talking and reading about?

@FrayedBear Wow! Excuse us. That seems a bit of a left field comment from you!☹️

@Geoffrey51 I simply do not understand the need to debate labels ad nauseum. Simply say "I'm not a god botherer and get on with this short life".

@FrayedBear I'm inclined to agree with you but it is a topic which is frequently posted on here and some people seem confused about what they should be called so we should help them out 😉

@Moravian I obviously was not feeling charitable.

@FrayedBear as commented by Moravian, but if you look through both of our posts over the duration there are many that are ‘worth talking about’ I would suggest!


Howdy and welcome here.


I am not in love with atheism. It is simply a fact and I am neither proud of it, nor ashamed of it. What brought me to atheis was increasing and compounding doubt, and increased knowledge and reasoning power.


There are plenty of atheists here. I'm an agnostic atheist, in the absence of evidence I don't believe outrageous claims. Also I wouldn't worship the god of christianity, judaism, and islam, if it's existence was proven beyond all doubt.

JimG Level 8 July 17, 2019

Had questions for years and pastors always shushed me, asked me to request to speak alone, etc, but never answered any of them. My Lai massacre really kinda did it for me as a kid but I had to keep quiet because of my mom freaking out. I'm ok on my own as an adult. Kinda hard to find dates in my area but not a horrible thing either. Welcome!


Hi and welcome. I too am an atheist who was raised religious (Baptist). Growing up I mostly found church boring and a bit silly and had questions that religion couldn't answer. In my 20's and up to my mid 30's I identified as a Christian but almost never attended church or really took any interest in religious practices

In my mid 30's I went through a particularly rough point in my life and became extremely depressed and had something of a nervous breakdown (in my own opinion). During that time I began praying with a desperation for guidance, help, or anything to help me. One day, while doing so, I just felt as if I was wasting my time, praying to no one (or at least no one that cared or listened). And I realized that I did not truly believe in the Christian God.

Strangely, it felt like a burden had been lifted from me. Like I was no longer be judged by some all-powerful vengeful being. Afterward, I went through a month or two where I considered myself agnostic but eventually I gravitated toward atheism. That was about 10 or 12 years ago and my disdain for organized religion has only grown since then.


Hello! I was raised Catholic (Catholic school grades 1-9). The doubting started when I was in 6th grade with the sacrament of confession. I could not wrap my head around the need for a priest to forgive sins. I figured that if someone was truly sorry/repentant for their sins (in their heart) God would know and forgive (no priest needed)....but that if they were not truly sorry, God would know that too (but a person could just lie to a priest and get absolution)... It started to feel like the Church was just a racket and that the will of God was only something being interpreted by men.That was the beginning of the doubting.... and it was all downhill for religion for me from then on. I took an intro to Philosophy class in college that solidified my 'belief' that God was a man-made construct. I could just not see any credible evidence for the existence of any God, but lots of reasons why man might create one. Soon after, I discovered Humanism and realized that people could be good just because it is the right thing to do - no god needed.




I was born into Hinduism that has 330 million Gods and they still are inventing new ones. Although the some goddesses wrapped in tight sarees are very sexy and gave me a hard on, If you worship one God, another may not like it. The sheer number of Gods was too much to handle. I was attracted to Islam later because they allowed four wives but soon realized that if I and the dick cannot be around, four wives is no good. The promise of seven virgins in heaven was not good enough for me because I am very materialistic and I want it all today. They also started producing more terrorists. I am a peaceful man. Therefore, I was very frustrated and finally quit.


Welcome! I realized I was an atheist at 14. My best friend died (suicide) and a few months later his mother came to visit my mother. She was talking about watching a movie and said that I might not want to hear what she has to say. (I'm still unsure why she said that) They had been watching ice age and halfway through heard a bell ring. They looked at each other to see if they all heard it which they did but then rewound back to that part just to hear it again and it wasn't there. She said it was when he got his wings. It was unsettling and put the nail in the coffin for me.


I am an atheist. I was born into a Moron (oops, Mormon) family, and was brainwashed to be a Moron (oops, Mormon). As an adult, I finally did some real research, and discovered that Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of the Morons, really could not predict the future with any kind of consistent accuracy. Then I tested the biblical prophets, and found the same thing. I also found many contradictions in the Bible, and stories that science debunks. Many christians tried to convince me that their religion was true. I read their apologetic books and pamphlets, and found that every argument was flawed. There is no consistent set of reasoning, facts or evidence to support religion. Therefore, I became an atheist.

@thaywth Thank you. I am now pretty strong in my atheism. I don't always dodge the nuts, though. Sometimes I lead them on. I read what they give me, and then I point out that the "evidence" they gave me is very weak. I ask for facts and evidence, and that usually causes them to turn around and run away from me as fast as they can.

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