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I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain? I’m not 100% certain of anything. There is always the possibility that evidence will come to light that supports the opposing opinion. Do I think there’s a god? No. Am I open to the possibility that I don’t know everything? Absolutely. A negative can’t really be proven. What makes you so sure that your belief is the correct one?

Leeshi 7 July 21

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92 comments (76 - 92)

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Hypothetically GOD has all the ability not to leave any evidence for humans to speculate His existence because men have to rely on faith to be saved. in accordance to the covenant between God and men.
It simply means if God made Himself evident humans thus have no hope to saved.
However if God doesn‘t show up to any human at all, then humans don‘t even know the existence of this covenant.
The only way which works is for God to show Himself up to His chosen prophets and for them to write down the Bible, and for the rest of human kind to believe with faith.
What did you eat in last month end dinner? This can hardly be evident. If you want your particular dinner to be remembered by this world, you need to find someone to write down what are in your dinner for the humans 100 years from now to get to know what you ate in that particular diinner by faith!


No "gods"? From that, I take it that you are not necessarily referring to the "Christian God"? And if that's the case, which "gods" are you referring to? Are you talking about a creator deity, or just some sort of disembodied intelligence, i.e. the god of Spinoza? In any case, I have neither seen nor experienced anything that would lead me to think any such things exist. Have you?

I was referring to the profile question that asks how certain you are that there is no god. Which god they are referring to, I leave up to you


What makes you so sure there isn't a green dragon flying in my garage? Because its never happened before!


Just a few dities for thought!

Common sense should tell you if there was a god(s) misery and pain would be in it's venue to reconcile not lord over man!


Can you prove that aliens , witches , trolls , goblins and ghosts , either do or do not exist ? Do you believe all advertisements ? Do the corporations who create medications always have your health and welfare at the front of their minds ? There are those who worship Trump , do you ? The human imagination , fills in blanks , creates explainations , and is greedy . People believe in what they think is in their own best interests , even when sometimes , in actually isn't . What's good for one group of people , is usually , not in the best interests of another . While being admitted to a hospital for surgery , recently , the woman registering me asked if I smoked , drank , used illegal drugs , believed in God ? I answered no to each question . She then took a good look st me and responded , well what do you use as a crutch , what do you lean against , when things go wrong ? I replied , I guess I just stand on my own two feet , then cracked up , as I realized I had answered from my seat in my scooter .

Belief isn’t the same as fact. I hope that what I believe is the truth, but, realistically, it may not be. I try to use my best judgement and be open to other people’s ideas as they may have a pov or Information that makes more sense.

To answer your questions: no, I can’t prove or disprove that those beings exist. I think it likely that aliens do, but am extremely skeptical of the rest as I have seen no reason other than people’s imagination and fictional stories and movies. I don’t believe every advertisement I see. I don’t worship Trump. Frankly, I don’t see what any of these things (blindly believing in something) have to do with my question. I wasn’t asking how someone could NOT believe in a god, I was asking how they could be sure with such an absolute degree of certainty.


I'm 100% certain about lots of things and I'm 100% certain that I don't believe in a god or gods. Why should that need to be proven, or established as 'correct'? It just is. If you fell in love you wouldn't be able to prove it, nor could you be sure that being in love was the correct thing to feel, but it would be true nonetheless. 100% true, even.

Gareth Level 7 July 22, 2019

Richard Dawkins is a expert on evolution, he says that in order for there to be a god to create, god would have to been created, the fossil evidence is buried in the ground, the millions of years the earth has been around, backs it up, evolution, the origin of species, by Darwin, the horrors of wars, and suffering of mankind, including diseases like cancer, and others, the lifespan of humans 80 to 100 years, even dying is a disease, that their trying to find a cure for. even alien involvment in our creation, but i have my doughts on that, i do believe in alien life on other planets though, also experts are proving the bible and gospels to be myths, by pointing out the red flags, and ivestigating the bible, taking it apart

ml58n2 Level 7 July 22, 2019

All life is matter - whether its a plant or animal, The idea a "spirit" can be alive without a body is impossible.

gater Level 7 July 22, 2019

Question: which god are you talking about? All of them? Just some? Only one?

zeuser Level 9 July 22, 2019

I’m talking about the god agnostic. com is referring to in their profile question about how sure you are that god doesn’t exist.

@Leeshi There is an old concept in logic, popularized by Sagan but you can trace a version of it back to mathematician Laplace, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I don't mean to patronize, I would guess you are familiar with it. Absent any evidence at all, let alone extraordinary evidence, I'm comfortable concluding that any of the entities anyone claims to be God (and having those characteristics which would define that for anyone) are at least unproven and are, for all practical purposes, untrue. I have no doubts, even understanding that proof may yet surface. I also doubt that it will. We each have our own concept of our reality, this is mine. And I'm sticking to it. ☺️


@zeuser Fair enough


Haven't seen any proof of a supreme diety there are things about the universe we can't understand yet quantum mechanics is one, how can we change tests by observing them and much more

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2019

The alleged bible gawd is 100% fiction just like Pinnochio is not a miracle wood boy


Look at the condition of this planet. Would not a "loving God" intervene and guide his offspring who are destroying his creation? If he/she exists he/she is sadistic and cruel. We treat our pets better than god treats his creation.

I agree that the “god” that people worship would have to be incredibly cruel. My question is how anyone can be 100% certain of anything. We are fallible and constantly discovering new data/evidence, whatever it may be. How can anyone say that they KNOW, with absolute certainty, that they are correct and others are wrong? Isn’t that what all the religious zealots are doing every day? “I’m right, you’re wrong. Bend to my will.”

@Leeshi If you broaden the definition of "god" then I agree with you on that we never know 100%. But a god whose definition is that of a personal god controlling things and watching over us just doesn't work considering all the mess we have here.

@starwatcher-al agreed


With 100% certainty I can say the Jewdaic god does not exist.

Is there another type of god? If so, define it.

If you define it as an all knowing creature, capable of creating, life, death and the cosmos, you may have described an advance extra terrestrial race. Does that count as a god?

Where is your proof that this god doesn’t exist? While I can be reasonably certain that it doesn’t exist based on the evidence disproving specific beliefs held by religious people and my ability to extrapolate data, I am not aware of a way to prove a negative. So, again, how are you 100% sure?

@Leeshi prove that the three-headed progeny of a dinosaur and a blue pig doesn't exist. why does someone have to prove no gods exist? it is not up to the person laughing at the ridiculous assertion. it is up to the person making the ridiculous assertion.




bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2019

This question is easier to answer than the possibility that a perpetual motion machine exists....both questions deal with gawds have ever been examined for existence while all alleged perpetual motion machines have been tested and all failed the are trapped into the assumption of definition alleged gawd cannot be defined nor evidence presented because of the allegation of occasional miracles intervening from the outside of the natural verifiable world
....all the alleged miracles are infantile and miniscule compared to a rational persons expectations an alleged creator of a 15 billion light year wide universe should be able to do more parlor tricks than Oh gawd the movie with George Burns in both title roles "so help me me" his oath in the witness stand

It feels like you are deliberately confusing the issue and not answering the question. I am reasonably certain that no deities exist, but to say that I am absolutely certain seems absurd to me as I am not all-knowing or all-seeing. How can you possibly be 100% certain that your belief is the correct one? Because, unless you have absolute proof that no gods exist, which you can’t possibly have, then your belief is just that: a belief.

@Leeshi you are are basing your question on a falsehood....the allegation is irrational ask about an ill defined gibberish sound representative of an extant something somewhere unknowable and unknown is circular rationalizing not even reasoning...I married an African born in an animist tribe...they exist without the delusions of bible gawds....they think spirits inhabit trees rocks and lions but again no bible gawd from your false xian Webster missionary father in law helped translate a dictionary into the Gbyaya language and what they invented for your gibberish sound gott is BA GUSSA WAN....meaning biggest of all chiefs ever alive....again mere bragging big metaphors for an unknown non-thing nowhere


A lifetime of no evidence whatsoever to at least give me pause that one might, even on some infinitesimal level of possibility, exist. Real things just aren't that difficult to demonstrate.

So, if someone presented you with compelling evidence that challenges your non-belief, you wouldn’t take it? Because to me, that’s what absolute certainty is. 100% knowledge that your way is the right way. Just like all of those religious kool-aid drinkers we shake our heads at.

@Leeshi Based on my experience and the overwhelming lack of any evidence of any kind I have concluded that no gods exist. If, by some chance some evidence were to come to light that demonsrtatres one might exist, I'll drop that certainty by whatever percentage the evidence is strong enough to support.

I'm 100% certain numerous things for which there is no evidence do not exist but, as a reasonable person, I'm open to any new evidence that proves me wrong. Until that time, I'm secure in my conclusions. This is something the faithful are unwilling to even consider.

@Sgt_Spanky thank you. Did you answer that question as 100%?
I’m getting the feeling that many of the people who did share your thoughts and, honestly, that would clear up my confusion as it would mean that I have a different understanding of what 100% certainty is. Does 100% mean that nothing could convince them otherwise, or are they saying that there is nothing to date that gives them any reason to believe in the existence of a god. Personally, I fall into the latter group.

@Leeshi That's the only reasonable stance to take. Believers will just state that nothing will ever convince them otherwiise. It's irrational.


I have been an atheist since age 13, when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men.

I don't believe in an invisible being that resides somewhere beyond the clouds.

"I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs," I tell Christians zealots. That shuts them up.

Belief is different from certainty. I’m wondering how those people that answer the profile question about how sure they are can be certain enough to choose 100%. Just because I haven’t seen evidence of something doesn’t mean that it is non-existent. How are you sure that your BELIEF is correct?


I don't care. The Bible was made up. Religion was created to control people.

Your concerns don't interest me. I don't have to justify my atheism to anyone, including you.

Michigan had a hard winter when I was 13. Bored and restless, my 10-year-old brother, Lee, and I read the World Book Encyclopedias. Lee started with "A" and I began with "Z."

I was inspired by rational philosophers Spinoza and Descartes. They were anti-theist (anti-gods) and anti-clergy. They bravely defied the Catholic Church in the 1600s when heretics were burned at the stake.

Christians ask the same tiresome questions:

  1. How did the universe begin? A: Nobody knows. Science advances every year. Since when does being an atheist automatically make me an astrophysicist?

  2. What happens when we die? A: Nobody knows. I plan to become fertilizer for trees.

  3. How can you be a good person with morals without reading the Bible and believing in God? A: Being a good, honest person is a series of daily decisions. At age four, I realized if I am nice to people they are nice to me. I don't need a book to tell me to act kind and honest.

@LiterateHiker Good for you for not caring. I don’t recall asking you to justify yourself to me. I simply asked a question in order to understand how people different from myself (though falling under the same umbrella of non-belief) think. I’m sorry that you chose to be rude and dismissive, but if you don’t care, then no one made you answer my question. Move along.


Rude and dismissive? I did not insult or attack you personally.

Since age 13, Christians have been trying to convert me, and confronting me with the same, tiresome questions.

Over the years, I have become stronger and more blunt in answering.

This shuts them up. Sorry if I came across as rude.


You replied:

"Belief is different from certainty. I’m wondering how those people that answer the profile question about how sure they are can be certain enough to choose 100%. Just because I haven’t seen evidence of something doesn’t mean that it is non-existent. How are you sure that your BELIEF is correct?"

"How are you sure that your BELIEF is correct?" is asking me to justify my atheism.

@LiterateHiker I also apologize if I came across as trying to make you justify your belief to me. I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in a god. My sole purpose in asking the question was to understand how anyone is 100% certain.

After reading some of the comments, I think that 100% just might mean something different to me. When I see 100%, it says that that person is unflappable. Maybe I’m bringing some of my bias towards religionists into this, but I have found that they are usually unflappable in their beliefs, no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented. This is what defines the rigidness of religion for me. So, when I see that 100%, I just wonder how they can possibly be so sure.

Maybe that 100% just means that they see no current evidence of religion and therefore don’t believe in it? If so, I agree

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