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There are a lot of politics and people expressing their opinions on here. Does anyone else wonder if this site could be a setup by the govt. to collect a data base on all of us Free Thinkers?

Gemini-1947 7 July 23

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1 that is readily available elswere?
Favorite color -purple; another "important"
fact for my info.-i get church recruiters ,
monthly,i wonder more about thier MOTIVATION. Also the members help
guide and change THIS site. Good question

BBJong Level 7 July 27, 2019

"The govt" sounds very deep state/Qanon, but I do think this site makes money of our data, the site isn't selling ads, and that's really the only other possible revenue stream

This site is privately funded...go read their mission statement before posting untrue nastiness.

@AnneWimsey you think people shouldn't be able to express their personal opinions/thoughts if it doesn't jive with your belief system, or that of your puppet masters?

@MarkiusMahamius I think insinuations and false crap, especially if nasty/denigrating, should be challenged ASAP. WTH do you think you are, drump?

@AnneWimsey you're funny

@MarkiusMahamius so you think falsely accusing this site of having a profit motive should just be fine?


I'd credit the world's various intelligence agencies with enough intelligence to realise that anyone who posts anything vaguely seditionary on a public web forum such as this one probably isn't much of a threat to the status quo.

Secondly, since the NSA and their British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand colleagues are apparently able to read all our emails and listen in to all our phone calls as well as hack private messages on social media (as revealed by the Snowden leaks), they have far more effective ways to gather data on pretty much anyone they want in those five countries, which have a combined population of 504,694,000 (and it'd be very surprising if they didn't have at least some access to the emails, phonecalls and internet browsing habits of people in other countries too). So, they probably wouldn't waste time setting up and running a fairly small website with less than 100,000 members (many of them inactive).

Jnei Level 8 July 24, 2019

The NSA filters everything. You are already being monitored by every keystroke and word spoken via telephone. (cell or wired) This is the LAST place I'd worry about being monitored by the government.


A conspiracy around every corner, yes indeed. 🙄


Government does not need to have a simple website for that sort of activity. Echelon and whatever it's newer system is called monitors the worlds communications.


Set up by the government? No. But the CIA and FBI both monitor the internet for direct, credible threats to national security, so I’m sure this site gets monitored frequently.


No...anyway it’s international...I’m British.


And I would care Why? Having directly tweeted to drump he is a moron, my passport is current & my RV is ready to go at a moment's notice. But I would see somebody about that paranoia........


They already have Facebook for that.

Jnei Level 8 July 24, 2019

For quite awhile I thought this site was set up to collect raw data about the political leanings of non believers, either by one of the political parties directly or by an entity that would sell the raw data to whomever wanted it.

Now I think that thier stated intentions were honest and they really did want to provide a place for agnostics/atheists/believers to discuss issues and explore the ins and outs of each other's beliefs. People who want the data just mine the site with bots or hack in and steal a copy of the database.

1of5 Level 8 July 24, 2019
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