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Mad at god or don't believe? My experience here tells me that some are just mad at god and others don't believe. Which are you?

  • 2 votes
  • 169 votes
lerlo 8 July 25

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Oh golly I answered this as if it were an actual question first before reading this person's replies to several of our comments. I see now the error of my ways, this is just one of those thinly veiled already decided in the posters mind sort of questions, which would mean it isn't really a question at all. Many of us have explained clearly that it is not any made up person that folks are upset with but those who forced such nonsense down people's throats. I would like to add that I have never believed in any gods and have never found myself upset with any of them any moreso than I would be upset with any other jerkwaffle in any other fictional story. However I do find people who try to force their opinions on others to be some of the lowest life forms in existence. Oftentimes those people happen to be religious. Sometimes though they are just people on the internet who post polls asking people's opinions and then correcting any of those opinions that don't match up with the response that was being fished so poorly for...šŸ˜

Byrd Level 7 July 26, 2019

and I just love holier-than-thou people who refuse to read comments that don't agree with them like the people who have admitted that they were mad at God at some point. Nothing like personal attacks to bolster one's non opinio.
So big shot let's go over what's wrong with the post. You don't like it because it implies that someone might be mad at god and you don't agree? Perhaps you should read the comments of the people who say they were mad at god. You don't like it because people are accused of being mad at God? Unfortunately you don't get a say.
You are mad at people that are mad at God? Again you don't get a say. You don't like the whole topic? Feel free not to read the post or even comment. You just like to make personal attacks on people that post things? Great bolstering my belief in the site. I'm excited to continue this with you

@Ms_McSteven nothing like a personal attack like calling someone an ass huh? You accused me of telling you that you were mad at God which I never did but thanks for the warning have a great day b

ha, priceless.

@lerlo oh please omnipotent being, tell me more about my own inner thoughts and personal feelings. I mean, you and only you, of all people, could possibly know what I am thinking... You may want to reread the comments and actually try to hear what people are saying, instead of coming up with whatever you can pull out of your... Well, the place you clearly pull your ideas from. Hint. It's down there around your nether regions, ya know, the back door. Anyhow, as I stated at the point of posting my second comment I in fact did read any and all comments posted until that point. I also used phrases like many of us. This is a common way of implying that not all of the people in a group agree but many do. Again, you poor sad little person, my suggestion would be to actually try to read and understand others answers, even if they are not the ones you so clearly went fishing for. Or you could just go to some silly religious site, those folks seem to want to just go along with what anyone tells them to think so you may find you have better luck with this nonsense there. Peace out rainbow troutšŸ¤£

@Byrd thanks for the lesson genius...PLEASE explain how this horrible post got your panties in a bunch. You don't think someone can be mad at god? You don't think you can vote the other way? I was forcing everyone to do what? Yes it is inconceivable to me that some people here can understand that people believe in a god as many of them used to but can't fathom that they could be mad at the god they trusted. I will make sure to clear all future posts through your incredible mind, thanks for joining in the attack and when you get your panties out of your nether regions, which you're quite familiar with apparently, please send me a schedule of your next seminars. ah

@Ms_McSteven as your butt apparently did by my post but then only you are free to determine my thoughts and opinions

@lerlo again, there you go ASSuming things about people you know nothing about. I, in fact, do not wear panties. Nothing is in a bunch other than this bunch of people who made attempts to answer your silly post and found that it was posted by someone who wants to only hear from those who see things their way. Honestly at this point I only check in on what you are saying so I can be assured of a good chuckle. Also once again, you may want to try to actually read what folks are saying. Take me for example. I never once said someone can't be mad at god. I said that if they are saying that is not the case for them then that should be a sufficient answer. For you it would appear that it is not. However please do keep posting this sort of thing. It helps us weed out the undesirable antagonistic holier than thou I can't get enough of those aforementioned chucklesšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

@Byrd find where I said if they weren't mad that was bad, go ahead... Name-calling has always been the first choice of ignorant people keep it up, you too sound like your president

@lerlo also I wonder where this idea of yours that I or any others don't get a say on any of this nonsense. In fact I am having my say at this very moment (shock! Oh the rebellion!) See silly little thing, no one cares if you tell us we don't get to believe what we believe or that we don't get to have a say. We are, all of us, allowed all of these things. But wait! There's more! šŸ˜‚ Let me be crystal clear on this. I am in no way offended by the idea of others being upset with whatever floats their boat. What many of us are refusing to put up with is someone who, any time the answer isn't the one they sought, attempts to convince us that we don't know our own thoughts and beliefs as well as said person...(said person is reffering to you, figured I should throw that in there since every other thing said to you seems to confuse you so easily).

@Byrd so you're ducking my challenge to find where I said or contradicted anybody's opinion other than the people who said it wasn't possible to be mad at God. Good luck, duck this again , just keep ranting because you have no point to make and no argument

@lerlo yes rant master, tell me more about how to properly rant like you. In answer to your pathetic "challenge" I would like to point out again (don't worry I have patience. I can continue to re-explain it to you. It's clear you are having some difficulty and that is totally ok.) Never did I claim that someone cannot be upset with God. In fact I have stated more than once that this is in no way what I said. And yet you claim I did. So the example I am giving you of your inability to accept people's own words without twisting them to fit your agenda is that. Right there. That is one of many but you don't pay me to do your fact checking so that there example is free. The rest you will have to put some effort of your own into finding. Oh, and by the way, just so we understand things. There was no fucking. You just happened to miss the meat of the comment. Tends to happen though when you are only looking for what you want others to say.

@Byrd not surprising, you're still out of your mind. Also Mr. Fact-checker find out where I told you that no one else gets an opinion. That's a good homework assignment for a child. Good luck with that one too.


Hard to be mad at something that doesnā€™t exist


God never makes the claim of existence according to our definition, not anywhere. Swing anna miss, sweetie.

@bbyrd009 which god ā€œsweetie?ā€

Regardless, how can a nonexistent thing make a claim? My unicorn claims existence, prove me wrong!

@Marcie1974 Except for the people who, as one comment suggested, were/are mad at god and then "abandoned god." That to me is different than not believing god exists--hence the reason for the poll.

@Marcie1974 oh, my apologies, i'm from the deep south, bad habit with the sweetie thing i guess. God makes no claims of "existence: having objective reality or being" anywhere, that i am aware of? Allah doesnt, and YHWH doesnt, and Krishna doesnt?


If I believed god exists I would be mad at him.


The existence or non- existence of a god/gods is irrelevant to me. The disregard for separation of church and state in government are topics relevant.

I hope you find those posts

politics and religion are necessary to each other, vital even i guess. Obviously the "existence" or non- of a God or gods is paramount to your existence lol, regardless of your feelings on the matter


Well I must be ! I drive an average of 3 hrs daily when I work . Through a tunnel . At horrible traffic . " Jesus f Christ " is everybody's name in my car . I don't even know that Jesus boy . Sooo much hate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't believe in god and I am NOT unsure!


No gods or tooth fairies. Nothing to be mad at imo.


When I was, angry, it was in the direction of myself for being gullibile enough to be taken in by the nonsense.


In my case, anger at "god" led me to the realization there is no God, and the anger went away.

thanks for your comment, maybe you can explain to the people who are incredulous here that such a belief could exist.

@lerlo All kinds of beliefs exist that are believed without any evidence to support those beliefs, it's called faith.

ā€œWe either base our 'confidence' on reason (evident probabilities, past experience, competence, etc) or we base our beliefs on faith, which is blind by definition. Faith is the most dishonest position it is possible to have, because it is an assertion of stoic conviction that is assumed without reason and defended against all reason. If you have to believe it on faith, you have no reason to believe it at all.ā€ā€• AronRa

@zblaze really like the quote you referenced. And thank you for your comment. Saved me the trouble. šŸ˜‰


Neither of the above was my answer and here is why: I was raised in a home that believed in God and went to church. At a young age I became confused as to whether god was loving and kind or jealous and vengeful. I was never mad when I saw bad things happen I was just confused. I decided that since my family and community was Christian I needed to explore other belief systems, which I did as an adult: Judaisim, Kaballah, Islam, Buddhism, Wicca, other Druidic beliefs, and astrology. I came to my own understanding that bad or unpleasant, or sad things happen to people because that is life, maybe even just the luck of the day. It has nothing to do with god or gods or spirits or angels or any other magical or spiritual beliefs. There is no reason for me to not believe in god because he screwed me over and I am just reacting like a kid who got a spanking and sent to bed and now I hate everyone - that is such a waste of time and energy. I came to my decision in a thought provoking manner rather than a knee jerk reaction.


I am mad at the people who made up a god to prey on people and the people who continue to do so. I am sad for the rest.


Cannot be mad at something that is not real.

I don't believe in an invisible being that resides somewhere beyond the clouds.

At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. Was never a believer.

I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs.

Michigan had a hard winter when I was 13. My 10-year-old brother and I read the World Book Encyclopedias. I was inspired by rational philosophers Spinoza and Descartes who bravely defied the church. They were anti-theist (anti-gods) and anti-clergy in the 1600s when heretics were burned at the stake.


How can I be mad at something that doesn't exist


I think you are a bit confused. There are some people who used to believe in a god, but came to the realization that there was no real evidence for one, based on what they had expected that particular god to be like. They stop believing because of the apparent lack of evidence, not because they were angry at some god. Maybe some were angry for having been duped in the first place.

I never really had any belief and I get really tired of people telling me that I must be angry at some thing that I don't even believe in.

I'm not confused at all and if you read the comments from the people who say they are mad at god, it is possible. I'm not accusing you of being mad at anything, it's just a choice. Some people decided god didn't exist one way, some people never stop believing but are just mad. Some were mad and then stopped believing. Happy for you to show me where I told you you were mad at god

@lerlo I get the feeling that you are looking for an argument. Lighten up, learn to laugh. Just a suggestion.

@itsmedammit which part of me being confused wasn't an argument? šŸ˜‰


I'm mad at god the same way in mad at Hannibal lector. I hate him as a character, the way he is made into someone admirable despite his atrocities. People cheer both of them like they're heros and it really bothers me why.


Your assessment appears incorrect.

As does your spelling šŸ™‚ As one comment probably correctly concluded, people might not admit being angry with god. Some of the comments get pretty angry over a pretty innocuous post. Why would someone who is not angry with god get upset about the suggestion that some people are angry with god unless I hit a nerve? A couple people had no problem admitting that they were once angry with god.

@lerlo read this.


I'm mad at the concept of god, as it is one of the most dangerous concepts ever invented by humans, responsible for such misery, especially a mono-theistic god which inevitably leads to heretics, factions, rival theologies, and war and death. That does not equate to being mad at a god that I somehow secretly believe in. No sir.


If someone is "mad at god", they would have to be a believer. Most of the comments I've read on this sight are from non believers.


I would have to believe a thing exists in order to be mad at it.

Deb57 Level 8 July 25, 2019

Kind of hard to be mad at something that isn't real.

only if you don't believe šŸ™‚


I definitely and simply don't believe. Even if one did exist, I wouldn't waste time acknowledging it or waste time inside a building praising it.


Can I be mad at people who happen to believe in god? That whole Council of Nicaea thing really opened a can of worms.


I'm simply a non believer


Mad at this stupid question being asked over and over. Not mad at Santa šŸŽ…. Not mad at pixies šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø. Not mad at Leprechauns. Not mad at whichever ā€œgodā€ you think in your mind exists.


How am I going to be mad at something I don't believe in? Mad at "god"?? That's like being angry at Santa Claus.

Angry at religion, however? Of course I am. Religion has been invested in the repression of women for centuries. I'm not down with that $hit.

I take from your comment that God and religion are separate

@Ruby_Slipper Wow --new concept to you that religion and god may be inseparable? Ok genius walk me through how my comment makes me a religious believer--I can't wait

@lerlo I refuse to interact with trolls. Crawl back under the bridge you came from.

@Ruby_Slipper apparently you have nothing else to do and I will continue to defend my right to post as I feel necessary and deal with the less competent as they come my way. The only people who cry "troll" here are the people with no arguments to the contrary and who think that such a cry will get them noticed. You've succeeded in being noticed as someone without a clue or who is mad at god and is afraid to admit it. I'll be here as long as you will unless admin decides to admonish you for your personal attacks.


Iā€™m a bit of both really. Hating God to me is like hating a fictional character. Only difference is that I wasted much of my young life with god and he turned out to be my biggest mistake.

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