84 8

Mad at god or don't believe? My experience here tells me that some are just mad at god and others don't believe. Which are you?

  • 2 votes
  • 169 votes
lerlo 8 July 25

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84 comments (51 - 75)

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I don't have ANY imaginary friends.

CK-One Level 6 July 28, 2019

I don't want to click the option that says I am possibly unsure. I am completely sure.

See the "or?"

@lerlo noooooooooooo not even a possibility aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

@lerlo Would it have broken your fingers to put in a third vote instead of using "or"??

@Normanbites You're free to make your own post but thanks for thinking of my fingers

@lerlo My shop has finger crushers galore. Feel free to borrow them at any time!!


It seems pretty clear to me that the overwhelming majority on here who do not believe, do not believe for good reasons. I'm sure there are a few people who aren't serious atheists or agnostics, who are just pissed at God. Sounds like you've encountered a few.

Yes, someone who could get incensed at such a poll might be feeling a little self-conscious.


I try to avoid getting mad at anything and this is an easy one to accomplish.. but for the record I just don't believe. 🙂

Davekp Level 8 July 26, 2019

Don't believe. I am mad with people who created this myth, sold this lie to people for centuries since childhood and destroyed millions o lives by doing it.. How can I be mad at God which is a myth?


Oh golly I answered this as if it were an actual question first before reading this person's replies to several of our comments. I see now the error of my ways, this is just one of those thinly veiled already decided in the posters mind sort of questions, which would mean it isn't really a question at all. Many of us have explained clearly that it is not any made up person that folks are upset with but those who forced such nonsense down people's throats. I would like to add that I have never believed in any gods and have never found myself upset with any of them any moreso than I would be upset with any other jerkwaffle in any other fictional story. However I do find people who try to force their opinions on others to be some of the lowest life forms in existence. Oftentimes those people happen to be religious. Sometimes though they are just people on the internet who post polls asking people's opinions and then correcting any of those opinions that don't match up with the response that was being fished so poorly for...😁

Byrd Level 7 July 26, 2019

and I just love holier-than-thou people who refuse to read comments that don't agree with them like the people who have admitted that they were mad at God at some point. Nothing like personal attacks to bolster one's non opinio.
So big shot let's go over what's wrong with the post. You don't like it because it implies that someone might be mad at god and you don't agree? Perhaps you should read the comments of the people who say they were mad at god. You don't like it because people are accused of being mad at God? Unfortunately you don't get a say.
You are mad at people that are mad at God? Again you don't get a say. You don't like the whole topic? Feel free not to read the post or even comment. You just like to make personal attacks on people that post things? Great bolstering my belief in the site. I'm excited to continue this with you

@Ms_McSteven nothing like a personal attack like calling someone an ass huh? You accused me of telling you that you were mad at God which I never did but thanks for the warning have a great day b

ha, priceless.

@lerlo oh please omnipotent being, tell me more about my own inner thoughts and personal feelings. I mean, you and only you, of all people, could possibly know what I am thinking... You may want to reread the comments and actually try to hear what people are saying, instead of coming up with whatever you can pull out of your... Well, the place you clearly pull your ideas from. Hint. It's down there around your nether regions, ya know, the back door. Anyhow, as I stated at the point of posting my second comment I in fact did read any and all comments posted until that point. I also used phrases like many of us. This is a common way of implying that not all of the people in a group agree but many do. Again, you poor sad little person, my suggestion would be to actually try to read and understand others answers, even if they are not the ones you so clearly went fishing for. Or you could just go to some silly religious site, those folks seem to want to just go along with what anyone tells them to think so you may find you have better luck with this nonsense there. Peace out rainbow trout🤣

@Byrd thanks for the lesson genius...PLEASE explain how this horrible post got your panties in a bunch. You don't think someone can be mad at god? You don't think you can vote the other way? I was forcing everyone to do what? Yes it is inconceivable to me that some people here can understand that people believe in a god as many of them used to but can't fathom that they could be mad at the god they trusted. I will make sure to clear all future posts through your incredible mind, thanks for joining in the attack and when you get your panties out of your nether regions, which you're quite familiar with apparently, please send me a schedule of your next seminars. ah

@Ms_McSteven as your butt apparently did by my post but then only you are free to determine my thoughts and opinions

@lerlo again, there you go ASSuming things about people you know nothing about. I, in fact, do not wear panties. Nothing is in a bunch other than this bunch of people who made attempts to answer your silly post and found that it was posted by someone who wants to only hear from those who see things their way. Honestly at this point I only check in on what you are saying so I can be assured of a good chuckle. Also once again, you may want to try to actually read what folks are saying. Take me for example. I never once said someone can't be mad at god. I said that if they are saying that is not the case for them then that should be a sufficient answer. For you it would appear that it is not. However please do keep posting this sort of thing. It helps us weed out the undesirable antagonistic holier than thou I can't get enough of those aforementioned chuckles😂🤣😂🤣😂

@Byrd find where I said if they weren't mad that was bad, go ahead... Name-calling has always been the first choice of ignorant people keep it up, you too sound like your president

@lerlo also I wonder where this idea of yours that I or any others don't get a say on any of this nonsense. In fact I am having my say at this very moment (shock! Oh the rebellion!) See silly little thing, no one cares if you tell us we don't get to believe what we believe or that we don't get to have a say. We are, all of us, allowed all of these things. But wait! There's more! 😂 Let me be crystal clear on this. I am in no way offended by the idea of others being upset with whatever floats their boat. What many of us are refusing to put up with is someone who, any time the answer isn't the one they sought, attempts to convince us that we don't know our own thoughts and beliefs as well as said person...(said person is reffering to you, figured I should throw that in there since every other thing said to you seems to confuse you so easily).

@Byrd so you're ducking my challenge to find where I said or contradicted anybody's opinion other than the people who said it wasn't possible to be mad at God. Good luck, duck this again , just keep ranting because you have no point to make and no argument

@lerlo yes rant master, tell me more about how to properly rant like you. In answer to your pathetic "challenge" I would like to point out again (don't worry I have patience. I can continue to re-explain it to you. It's clear you are having some difficulty and that is totally ok.) Never did I claim that someone cannot be upset with God. In fact I have stated more than once that this is in no way what I said. And yet you claim I did. So the example I am giving you of your inability to accept people's own words without twisting them to fit your agenda is that. Right there. That is one of many but you don't pay me to do your fact checking so that there example is free. The rest you will have to put some effort of your own into finding. Oh, and by the way, just so we understand things. There was no fucking. You just happened to miss the meat of the comment. Tends to happen though when you are only looking for what you want others to say.

@Byrd not surprising, you're still out of your mind. Also Mr. Fact-checker find out where I told you that no one else gets an opinion. That's a good homework assignment for a child. Good luck with that one too.


Which god?

You pick, now answer

I’m really pissed at Odin today. Yesterday I was mad at Allah.

@BD66 You too! Why don’t they do what they say they’ll do? That bloody son of Jah was supposed to be coming round with his horse to fix the planet out the back but oh no! 2,000 years we’ve been waiting!


Difficult to be mad at something that doesn't exist. I can be mad at those who told me otherwise and told what I now know are falsehoods, and at those who attempted to shame me into conformity when I began to understand the deception. It would seem to me that anger is an appropriate emotion to these circumstances and events. Again this is not anger directed at God but toward tangible beings who perpetrate the deception.


None of the above.

skado Level 9 July 25, 2019

"You call this a storm! Blow, you son-of-a-bitch! It's time for a showdown! You and me! I'm right here! Come and get me! You'll never...sink...this BOAT!"

Spoiler. God failed. Boat didn't sink.

This is my go-to example of a Man vs. God conflict in my lit classes. Usually the kids know this movie and this scene.


I just don't believe. I will say that my distaste for the kind of 'person' the Gods I've read about are is what keeps me from giving any validity to ideas like Pascal's wager. If I'm totally wrong, and there's someone out there with all the power, he's clearly a jerk.


Mine started as angry at god and led to flatout not believing


The way a deity of demigod is presented with all seeing all knowing powers and can magically materialize objects. It all seems like something Disney studios would create. Who with out extreme brainwashing would ever buy into the myths created by men to control others.

azzow2 Level 9 July 28, 2019

Gaining knowledge and wisdom over the years is a great way to in-brainwash ourselves. Atheism is still a mostly taboo subject in the media for the most part. That’s why when atheists of all political stripes like Penn Juliette, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, David Cross, and Patton Oswalt are so important because they can bust out of the bubble where no one really talks about it.


Not sure I care about people who are mad at an imaginary spirit.

xyz123 Level 7 July 28, 2019

Being mad at or hating an imaginary being, is the same as saying you love an imaginary being.

One thing all imaginary beings have in common, none of them have a 'PRESENCE'.

zblaze Level 7 July 26, 2019

Looks like 98.9 of us don't believe, and 1.1% are mad at the imaginary man in the sky.

BD66 Level 8 July 26, 2019

but really how often are we honest with ourselves when it puts us in a less than wonderful light? Of course someone who is "mad at God" and suffering from the effects of a religion in their nation/community might rather say "there is no God," yeh? "Imaginary Man in the Sky" see, you are agreeing with the Bible even, Galileans (="jerk-offs," basically, "circle-jerks" ), why do you stand there looking up into the sky?

who is "us" btw. I mean, no offense, but see how you are positing an "us" that favors your opinion? When the actual #s are much closer to the ezack opposite?

If m mad at him for being imaginary with all the nonsense he’s put people through!


How can you be mad at something that does not exist ? Could be mad at the silly sods that shove religious nonsense down your throat.

Okay, hard for me to believe that no one understands the post so let me explain it. Do you agree or believe that people believe in God.? If you say no then I can't help you. if someone believes in God and God lets them down, they get mad at God. If you don't believe me, read some of the comments below where people say they were mad at God or they are mad at God. if you also think that everyone on this site is either agnostic or atheist I also can't help you. To reiterate, people who don't believe in God will not be mad at it. People who do or did believe in God could be mad at it, the end.

@lerlo noting the repeated insistence that God does not exist yet? Fwiw the relationship of Atheists to Fundamentals has been well documented...ah,ipad, can't import Gsearches, but whole books on the subject.


I didn't do the poll. I'm mad at polls but the church world will say we are all "mad at god." Which god?

Yeah, I don't like spinach and I don't do that either. You pick the god


I think at least the large majority that I have had the pleasure of speaking with are not mad at god/s, especially those who do not believe in them, but rather are upset for various reasons with those who do believe in them.

Byrd Level 7 July 26, 2019

i'm a secular hindu

which means?

@lerlo I believe our consciousness is pure awareness and apart from our body and mind. I believe that awareness flows thru everything and is the substratum of reality upon which the entangled particles bond flows to create the spooky action at a long distance thus breaking the EPR paradox.


I can only be mad being controled by something imaginary and bs that went with it. I'm free to think for myself and be with who I want.


Why would anyone in the right mind be 'mad' at something that has NEVER existed in the first place?
Can any SANE person get angry at finding completely invisible, non-existent Unicorn shit on their front lawn or path?
I seriously think that you, Sir, are 'barking up the wrong tree' with your comment since, imho, and speaking only for myself as any of us can only truly do, I rejected the 'God Hypothesis' in early childhood, around 8 years of age, simply because it wasn't logical enough, had nothing but a single book to support it, no tangible evidence to be shown, tested, tried and either proven nor refuted by empirical measures amd. last but by NO means least, it required and DEMANDED its followers to have unshakable, undying, unquestioning Faith in it.
My take on the whole " the bible is the Truth" ideology is that IF that be so then EVERY book, be it fiction or Non-fiction but especially fiction, must be considered and deemed exactly the same without exception.
For one CANNOT have one without the other, can one?

@Triphid So you have absolutely no problem understanding why people believe in god, you just can't fathom how they could believe in it and be mad at it. Makes perfect sense to me 😉

@lerlo As a Qualified Psychologist speaking here, I can state that I DO have difficulty understanding WHY people choose to follow religions when they are simply based upon myths/legends/assumptions/ superstitions and baseless fairy-tales.
I do NOT actually detest nor hate those whom I choose to refer to as being Faithfools BUT I do abhor those absolutely insane, irrational beliefs, etc, that actually cause their followers to DEMEAN both themselves and their children with their senseless rhetoric.


I accept the likelyhood of a Creative Force that does not comport with our definition of "exist" nor tries to, and i am mostly over it now but i still get raving mad at God now and then


Simple there is no god(s)!

Your poll is religiously bias!

And contrary to some beliefs here, you are entitled to your opinion. Perhaps you are the biased one 🙂


I gave up being mad at god 40 some years ago. I just don't believe.

t1nick Level 8 July 25, 2019
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