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Looking for help understanding! I was raised a Christian (Roman Catholic). We were taught many things about the Bible both old and new testaments. One thing that was obvious was that the Christian God had a bad temper and would become angry at man’s indiscretions. We also found out that God could become extremely violent when angry. Now I’m no expert on supreme beings but what kind of supreme being that supposedly created the universe and everything in it and who is all knowing has one of the worst character traits imaginable? Secondly, could the Christian God’s use of violence be one of the causes of the use of violence by Christian Governments during the Crusades and other times?

Dreamrider 6 July 29

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and i think your final thought is basically spot on, even though God's "violence" really disappears imo when you go looking for it, i'll run with any Quote you pick for that tho.


imo who told you that you were naked? is the beginning and end of God's "violence," and those who teach otherwise are Paul's "wolves," I know the wolves will rush in as soon as I leave, not sparing the flock


I think your questions are called "rhetorical".


I have a good book suggestion. This is also available on audible. It put a lot of the pieces of the puzzle together for me. Hope it helps 🧩


I've heard gobs of explanation from the religious usually blaming people for god's indiscretions but my explanation is that god was created in certain powerful men's own image and has their traits.

gearl Level 8 July 29, 2019

You make some very good points.


It certainly is bad modeling behavior. When he almost made Abraham sacrifice his son...that wasn't too cool..just to prove his loyalty? After he flooded the world for Noah, didn't he kind of apologize and promise never to do it again? The bible treads a fine line with this God/man distinction...Christ on the cross, after enduring EVERYTHING that he had total power to avoid then asks "Why have you forsaken me?" Very confusing...Since I was little, I always considered the ONE, TRUE RELIGION to be the one that answers all the questions and doesn't have to lie or make up cute stories to explain people's behavior, so they won't sin and go to hell.


Who cares!?


Does it really matter how they explain? Does any of their "explanations" mean anything

Edu_0 Level 4 Aug 2, 2019

Sorry. Can't read past your assumption that anger and violence are flawed characters traits. Both can be but neither are automatically and always.

TKoBD Level 4 July 31, 2019

We’re talking about flawed traits of a supreme being that made the universe and knows everything. To suggest that it would be natural for such a being to get angry or somehow justified and therefore not a flaw is a bizarre notion.


"God Works in Mysterious Ways" is their catch-all for all the logical contradictions.

BD66 Level 8 July 30, 2019

How do you explain someone bringing up old topics that have been talked about ad-nauseum?

You don’t need to be rude!


Rude is bringing up old topics that have been talked about ad nauseum. Making rude remarks about them cancels out the negative.


You're the mouthpiece for which association(s) or ideas again? I would hope they know something, because it doesn't seem like it.


I wish I knew what brought this about. It's like people don't want to learn about anything new.

@DZhukovin So you’re a grumpy old man. I get it but you don’t need to bring your negativity here. If it’s an old, played out subject, why did over 45 members sincerely try to address it? Maybe the answer is that new members are always joining and maybe they weren’t part of the previous discussions. In any event, if the post is dated, no one needs to respond and no harm done.


That's a lot of effort put toward an argument.


It has nothing to do with the pos being dated. I was just saying that the topics were old. It wasn't with respect to the website, and I don't think I brought up the website in my comment, either?

@DZhukovin, if you want to be a grumpy old man and tell people to stay off your lawn, fine.

But this is not your lawn.

You don't like what is posted? Fine, STFU and go to the next post.

BTW, if you want people to learn about something new, post about something new.


Best to ask a priest. There must be an official line.


In short, they cannot. It's because they are not smart enough to think things through to a logical conclusion, and their phony gods are only extensions of their own warped personality and mental disorders. These gods of theirs, have all of these character flaws because they cannot conceive of anything that is higher up than them. It's like asking a cow or a sheep to plant its own food to grow so it won't have to forage for a meal. The concept of growing things is ten miles over the head of the cow and sheep, even if you could speak to them and be understood. The idea that a real god would be nothing but pure peace, love and understanding can never occur to them because they are too blinded by their own stupidity to grasp that truth.
So when you see a religious fanatic preaching about things they cannot comprehend, you are seeing their stupidity being put on full display for the whole world to see. And they are too dumb and locked into their emotions to see that.

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