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FBI Documents reveal that conspiracy theories are forms of domestic terrorism. This is a good move-getting it out in the open. Comments?

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 1

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I do think that those facts should be out in the open It should help to keep some gullible, but well-intentioned people from falling for the malicious hoaxes.


Those most involved will pay no attention. Especially Trumpers who have been told constantly that the FBI and other intelligence agencies are not to be trusted by our wonderful president. 🤮


Except that there is nothing wrong with positing a conspiracy theory and investigating it seeking evidence for or against it.
The problem is when people seize on a false conspiracy and believe it and propagate it without evidence.

Silencing conspiracy theories and theorists by criminalizing speech and idea immediately begs the quest who is to decide what constitutes a criminal conspiracy theory and a legitimate theory about a criminal conspiracy

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