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Why we miss him

bobwjr 10 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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A good statement, looks to the three issues of gun control, tribalistic racism and the influence it has on those disenchanted with their life. Nice words, but heard before and there is still no political will to control the civilian ownership of firearms.


Obama again proves himself to be completely full of shit. Read the third sentence, then compare the murder rates of other countries around the world with the murder rates of the USA.

El Salvador 61.8
Jamaica 57
Venezuala 56.33

USA 5.30


BD66 Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

Per Capita Canada has more guns compared to the US but only a fraction of the number of murders involving guns, I wonder why that is the case?

@ASTRALMAX Do you have rival gangs fighting drug wars in almost every major Canadian city?

Firstly, I am not a Canadian. Not every murder is drug related.

@ASTRALMAX Sort by murder rate. Some cities like St Louis 66.07 Baltimore 55.77 have murder rates almost 100 times higher than other cities like Fremont .85 and Irvine .72. Fremont and Irvine have predominantly Asian populations and their primary employment is technology.


He wasn't perfect - hell, he's a politician, you need to keep a very close eye on even the good ones - but he was a lot better than most.

Jnei Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

Hell, he's a human being. 🙂


He continues to lose me with his public disregard of the damage illegal immigration does to this nation. Damn. Other than that.. he’s right on ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

Articulate, and soothing, responsible response. We will never have that from this monstrosity!

Trump is already attacking Obama because he knows a lot of this is laid on him when Obama never even once used Trump's name.

@DenoPenno Back in 1978, British politician Denis Healey (Labour) described being attacked in Parliament by Geoffrey Howe (Conservative) as like being "savaged by a a dead sheep".

I imagine Obama would describe being attacked by Trump as like being "mildly annoyed by a small insect".

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