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I just had a profound auto body experience, and discovered I have all kinds of psychotic abilities. I'm telepathetic.

I have ESPn, and I can do Remote-Control Viewing. I'm developing the ability to Levity.

Thanks to a lot of practice I can Tele-Port from a Vino.

Benthoven 8 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Lamo, Thank you! I have yet to have an autobahn experience.


A profound Out-of-body or Auto body experience? Telepathic or telepathetic? You have the ability for levity (laughter) or levitation? (anti-gravity)...

I guess what I'm asking is did you make these mistakes intentionallly?

I'm confused.



Seems like you are doing just great. Keep up the good work.


Boy, that hurt my brain. 🍷🍷👌😆

Welcome to my madness. 😉

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