Ya know those water blaster guns? We should start carrying those slung across our backs and go into stores just to make fun of these cavemen. They all need to be pink.
What can we speculate from this picture?
This guy is a redneck
This guy is a republican
This guy is 3" fully erect
This guy drives a pick-up
This guy probably lives in Texas
This guy also looks pathetic. Gun freaks live their lives always in fear of not being armed against all the threats they're sure are coming at them from blacks, latinos, muslims, and anybody else who isn't white.
Apparently, they can't even go out for a simple cup of coffee without being prepared for a race war.
IMO, they need them so people will know to, "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! FEAR ME! I'M SOMEBODY! LOOK AT ME!"
Maybe he's afraid of muffins..........
I was about to write a joke, but then my trains of thought started going different directions and it gave me an idea.
Someone should start taking pictures like these and putting them up as billboards with sayings like:
"Hi, my name is Jim and have a small penis."
"I'm Kevin and I don't know how to grill a steak."
"The only partner my insecurities won't push away."
Cause really, when I see that.. I see insecurity.
I do think you are right there. They want to be seen as a "big man". And all this leads to more dead people. They would be better of seeing a psychologist.