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'Now, a documentary threatens to rehabilitate Satan. Directed by Penny Lane, Hail Satan? follows the early adventures of the Satanic Temple, an institution that has hit upon the perfect counter-strategy to the evangelicals’ efforts to recouple church and state. Based in Salem, Massachusetts (where else?), the Satanic Temple is officially recognised as a tax-exempt religious organisation. As such, it has been claiming the same rights and privileges as those obtained by evangelical Christian groups – albeit with a prankster sensibility.'

moNOtheist 7 Aug 15

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I love them and how they counter christianity aand their demands. I especially like their tenets.


I saw it at a one time showing. The local Satanists were nice and super welcoming. Definitely worth the money.


The more I hear about the Satanic Temple the more I like it. I'd like to show Hail Satan at a Free Thought movie night when it comes out.

Starting with Monty Python's Life Of Brian, I think religion could stand to have a lot more humor about itself......

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