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I was Muslim when I was young and I left Islam when I was 23 years old in Syria before the war, because I couldn't believe that God sends only religious muslims to heaven and all other people to hell.
And I couldn't believe that God would burn any person in fire in hell.
I didn't talk with my family and my community about my new thoughts because it was dangerous, I was very alone.
During the war in Syria I worked as a reporter with an online newspaper so the government arrested me for a year when they discovered my job because it's a dictatorship in Syria.
It was a miracle that l left the prison.
Now I am 35 years old and I have been in Sweden in Skåne for 2 years.
It's very nice here but I need swedish friends to feel that I belong to this beautiful country and of course I need love.

Musab_Almawed 5 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Great photograph! Sounds like you need one of those beautiful Swedish women to kayak with.


Good job on thinking free, I applaud you. I’m very glad you’re in a safer place now and wish you all the luck there. You are totally free to share all your thoughts here while looking for friends there in Sweden. There’ll be no shortage of differing opinions on the details but we are all on the same page regarding the god/ religion question. I’m glad your here.


Hello, and welcome to the group. I am so glad that you got out of Syria when you did, and relatively unscathed too. Have not seen any Swedes here on the site, but we’re from all over the place...mostly USA and Canada, but there are a few from the U.K. ( like me), and some from a few different European countries and one @Pedrohbds from Norway....I see he’s said hello to you down below. I’m sure you’ll find us a friendly lot here, so join in and enjoy our company. Making friends in Sweden we can’t help with I’m afraid, that is something you will have to do on your own....good luck with it!


you're just a dark, hairy, mysterious mediterranean man feeling a little lonely and looking for hot, swedish babes to ride on your canoe?

yeah you are.


Thank you for writing about your choice to leave islam and why. Hopefully it will help others caught in religion a way out of it.

I also want to thank you for doing the dangerous job of being a journalist in a war zone. It is a big sacrifice but so valuable to know what is really happening.

Good luck in Sweden, wish you much success and a good and happy life.


I am sure you within find a community there. I smiled reading your post. I went to a German Lutheran s hool/church until 7th grade. When I was 8 I asked my grandmother how it could be that if I was born somewhere else I wouldnt go to heaven. Her response was, The story does have some holes in it, doesn't it?
Everyone needs love and connections with others. Maybe joining a group with others with a common interest, lime kayaking, for instance. Great photo, by the way.


What an amazing history. Make sure you write it all down. I am from UK but happy to meet and chat. It would be really interesting to hear all you can tell us about that world. What do you do in Sweden etc?


I have a good friend from Sweden here in the USA. Beautiful people.
I hope you find friends soon. Like @Jolanta mentioned, join communities or clubs. Since I am passioned about animals and plants, I end up finding these type of groups whenever I move to.
You are very courageous for stepping out of your comfort zone, good luck!!!!


I don't know where you got it from that only Muslims will go to heaven? Nowhere in the Quran does it say that. Perhaps it was just at the mosque where your family went to. Just another iman who did not know his Quran just as most of the Catholics or Protestants do not know their bible. And no I am not religious, just red the books.


Sending you best wishes from California!

Thank you so much

@Musab_Almawed Of course! You have friends here that you haven't ''met'' yet!


I wish you had made it to America. I have a girlfriend your age who originally came from Bosnia was a refuge in Sweden and is now on her way to American citizenship. She is beautiful inside and out.

You are very lucky, I hope to have such a girlfriend


Best wishes.

If an Abrahanic god did exist and acted as he is said to act - well, that to me would be an asshole with whom I have no desire to be involved.

Yes, I agree with you


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Thank you so much


Greetings Musab. My girlfriend is from Damascus, US citizen now. She could speak to the adjustment that you are going through there in Sweden. I am excited for you and your new life.


Thought you couldnt leave islam

Edu_0 Level 4 Aug 19, 2019

Thought wrong

It is like Hotel California. You can check out but you cannot


I hope you settle in nicely. Such huge life changes must be very traumatic. It is lovely that you have found a peaceful and beautiful country to make a home.

LB67 Level 7 Aug 19, 2019

You will get Swedish friends. Join clubs and organisations that you enjoy and sooner or later you will find friends. Swedish people are a bit afraid of immigrants because they feel overwhelmed by them, but in the end you will be fine.


Oh you're going to do fine in Sweden. The women will be all over you "like white on rice".


Welcome to your new online home.


Welcome to your new tribe here at agnostic..


You've had an amazing life!

Carin Level 8 Aug 19, 2019

Thank you so much, yes it was hard but interesting


Welcome, Musab.

Glad you found us.


Check out the map view of members, you will find those that live near you.


Not many sweedes in this comunity, but if you need some close-ish friend (and some mountain hikes) I am at the other side of the border.


Wow. Kind of puts my first world problems in to perspective, of course the way the USA is going, I might yet experience such things.


You must have attended Madrassa as a child, gone to mosque for Friday prayers each week and surrounded by family, extended family, neighbors and friends who very religious. Non-religious people are very hard to find in such societies. I know because I came from one. So how could you unshackle those beliefs in a heavily religious environment where there no freedom to ask questions, disagree with religious, traditions, chores, beliefs? Also where did you learn to write correct English? If you learned it in Syria, it is quite an accomplishment.

I learned English in Syria in the school but I learned much more when I was in Greece for 18 months, I worked with an American organization SAMS "Syrian American Medical Society"

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