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NYPD fires officer for choking death of Eric Garner. Kudos for finally making the right decision. If you watch the video you'll see why. My question is: Why is he not being prosecuted and brought to justice? Agree/Disagree.? 5 Years to get here?

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 19

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Officer was found innocent in a court of law of any wrongdoing and he gets fired by an ass kissing Commissioner to Pos Mayor Di Blasio .If the stupid trouble making law breaker had complied his ass would still be alive selling cigarettes illegally.

I hope the cop wins his lawsuit against the city and gets his job back


From my understanding, there were federal charges recommended, but the federal government no longer prosecutes police officers regardless of the crime.

The Gardner family is bringing it to a Congressional Inquiry.


It was terribly sad to watch what happened to Eric Garner. I can't understand why you would arrest someone for selling loosies..a citation, ok, if he was selling to kids, ok. He repeatedly said I can't breathe. He was in distress. I watched an exchange between two people on the officers side on facebook. They talked about that it was a legal hold and that he died due to his medical comment being that hamburgers killed the poor guy. They were concerned that the officer lost his job stating he was following the rules..One thing is for sure if that is even the case. We need better rules. This man should not have died this way.


He should have been charged with manslaughter.


I live in NY and I guarantee the crime rate will rise just like in Chicago where the police are reluctant to to do their job because of repercussions

Doesn't mean the cop was entitled to choke him to death.

@SeaGreenEyez it is true ,there was a segment on 60 minutes about this exact subject .Also I have read many times about the outcomes of police departments reacting negatively to being heavily scrutinized and becoming less proactive in their policing because of incidents such as this


Because Mr Garner was clearly guilty of being Black in the presence of of a police officer, which of course is tantamount to suicide.
The officer concerned was probably fired for allowing his uniform to get dirty while handling an unpleasant suspect.

It all makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Before any of the hard of thinking calls me a racist bastard I was being sarcastic, dismissal is the least he should be suffering.

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