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I'm aware that this meme is designed to upset me. But rationally thinking about it after the initial rage wore off, those folks probably produced a heck of a lot of profit for "citizens", while doing work "citizens" refuse to do.

bigpawbullets 9 Aug 23

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This meme is a reworking of a moral panic campaign run by the British "News" Paper the Daily Express in 2015, the give away is the mention of free medical care, free school meals and education is almost verbatim.
The kick back ultimately lead to the Express changing hands from notorious Porn Barron Richard Desmond two year later and becoming a part of the Trinity Group.
The Express is a notoriously bigoted and ultra right wing rag that sells mainly on four variations of panic stirring headlines they are in order of popularity Princess Dianna would have saved the country if she had not been murdered, falling house prices will bankrupt everyone, immigration is out of control and A.I.D. S. is going to kill us all.
British comedian Russell Howard once stated the ideal Express headline is "foreigners carry an new form of AIDS that lowers house prices and murdered Princess Dianna."

Hysterical. Probably sold as well as our National Enquirer over here.

@bigpawbullets A good comparison, except that because of its glory days during the first and second Wars, the Express has a tendency to be taken seriously, no matter how ludicrously ----ist (fill in preducidice of your choice).


Really ? I was expecting slightly better from u . Wow .

Did my comment not make it clear that I thought this was "propaganda"?

@bigpawbullets no . Not to me at least .
I do not know much . But any x anyone wants to tell me who runs the medical bills w ER visits and hospitalization that the state has to pick up , I am all ears .
In the 22 years at ER and OR , 5 in Texas , and 3 in Florida , the " illegals " were the last to ever come . Ever . U knkw what rolando and luisito do when they get burn or cut ?
THEY KEEP WORKING . Bcz they try to feed their family and make a dollar .
U knkw who comes in every night ? All types of Americans , insurance or not , here w OD on fancy drugs , domestic violence , child abuse , and good ole smoking and drinking issues . And guess what ?
U PAY FOR IT . Bcz they ain't ! No insurance .
As for free lunches in public schools . Same lunches that white kids and black kids throw to trash . And same mothers who instead of making lunch for their f kids , they do nails , Facebook and tv every night .
And at the very end , go find people to do the jobs that are not good enough for the American people .
And , lastly , Bcz I am sick and tired of this , u all need to never visit New York . The symbol of USA , a city that was builded by immigrants , the Italians , the polish , the Greeks , the , the , the , all rats of their times . Now the Hispanic s are the problem and the new " rats ". Ok ! Got it !

You ARE full of rage.... might be time to switch to decaf. 👌😎


Most of this is a Huge Lie, the rest is fantasy........


My first thought was "who's giving illegal immigrants 56 billion?"
Don't attack the exploited, attack the exploiter.


Note: this is after they have paid taxes and living expenses here so their family can stay there... unless their bosses are paying them under the table in that case whose the crook again? 🤔


They are often exploited but when produce, costs at restaurants. and many.things made in the US by Mexicans become more expensive. I doubt they will send their teenagers to get those jobs or apply for them. What about all the money paid into Social Security, they will never be eligible for. Billions go to Social security each year and keep Medicare going.

...must have skipped my post ..with questions like those. Here’s the gist of it:

The true costs are hidden, as public schools need parallel classes for migrant children, providing breakfasts & lunches (year round) and medical care.

Additional law enforcement must respond to drug smuggling, gang enforcement, graffiti tracking, court costs and deportation.

The cost to US citizens for uninsured motorists accidents; illegal most often equals no license or insurance. So factor that into your premiums. Birth & instant citizenship, and the uninsured gang related emergency room care that’s also written into your health care premium..

...I’ve long doubted the claim they’re paying “Billions in Social Security” … with bogus SS cards, and employers paying them under the table..? Someone also mentioned how, with such low paying jobs, their contribution to SS or income taxes in general would be minimal to non-existent..

...In the meantime, they undercut the wage base for US citizens.


Right wing troll

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2019

Who, me?

@bigpawbullets the post is typical misrepresentation of them they pay for most everything

Ok... I pay for everything. 🙄

...he’s not a troll ..he’s earned his ‘eight’

@Varn didn't mean him the post sounded like that he's a good guy


In the agricultural jobs they had, they were subjected to pesticides regularly.
American citizens who complained about how much they have cost Americans, should become aware of the crimes committed against illegal aliens, who basically were given a death sentence by the capitalists who employed them.

Do you not think that those working in the fields are aware of this? They are not fools.

@bigpawbullets Though they may know the harm to which they're subjected, do you think they have other viable choices for making a living for themselves and their families, particularly if they don't speak the language?

@AnonySchmoose There are legal immigrants and illegal migrants, two different scenarios. Someone inside a nation illegally is likely to do about anything. Someone whose become a citizen of that nation, or has a valid work visa, is entitled to multiple protections, both state & federal.

If born in another nation, their personal desperation should be addressed there, not here ~

@Varn In an ideal world, their own nation would do the humane thing and address their desperation. In many cases, their problems have arisen as a result of climate change, which nowadays affects their ability to work the land and raise crops in their own country. Unfortunately, the U.S. has backed many corrupt politicians in Latin America, essentially throwing their citizens into desperate situations. No water for crops, no aid from their own country, no other place to live there, no ways to provide for their families, violent gangs that make inhumane demands on them, etc.

@AnonySchmoose It’s complex, but it’s been awhile since the US has messed with Central America. In the day ..the last thing ‘the US’ wanted was another launching site for Soviate missiles, like Cuba. So yes, ‘we’ did what we could to stop such scenarios. But after Russia imploded, we’ve let C.A. alone. These are economic migrants, always have been, not political or war refugees..

Let’s replace our leadership and rejoin the world to slow global warming … not punish ourselves with the constant flow of illegal, or even legal immigrants fleeing situations in which they should do the same.


They paid a ton in consumer taxes and various transaction fees that are also taxed. It ain't cheap being poor or living on the fringes. Many also have other SSNs to work, so that means they contribute to a system that they'll never access.

Also, many citizens are paid under the table and live in a purely cash economy where taxes are avoided. Then there are the true criminals who make millions and get paid to not pay taxes or receive subsidies. If they get into trouble and fined, then it's a write off. The number fleeced from the public by these wealthy crooks makes that $56 billion amount look like pocket change. Where is your rage? Is it misplaced even though you came to your conclusion about the meme?

I'm sure the migrant workers are aware of all of this. Yet, they continue to seek these jobs. Is that not their choice to do so?

No, they don't often have a choice. That's a rather large misconception.
Why are people sweatin peanuts when the riggers of the game are taking all of us for a ride?

@bigpawbullets "they seek these jobs" think they have Choices?!! And are not hardworking people what built this country? So they have the grit & determination, and vision, to get themselves and their families here, through danger & awful hardships, and you think they are not what this country needs? You are very short-sighted, and a racist!

Hmm. I don't understand how you got short sighted and racist out of my comment. And in other posts I've made, I've indicated that our country needs immigrants to fuel our economy. But heck! Carry on Anne! 🍷🍷👌😎


...let’s think about it some.. They took jobs US citizens were unwilling to do at the low wages offered. Had pay for those jobs reflected the labor involved, US citizens would have contributed their fair share of taxes, with the bulk of their pay spent within their communities.

Society supposedly got cheaper lettuce, or roofs, or landscaping… But the true costs were hidden, as public schools began parallel classes for migrant children, and provided breakfast & lunch. And yes, their medical care.

Not sure what additional law enforcement task forces cost with regard to drug smuggling, gang enforcement, graffiti tracking … but the cost to US citizens for uninsured motorists accidents, birth & instant citizenship and gang related uninsured emergency room care needs tossed in..

On the West Coast, illigal immigrants became the modern equevelant to slavery. Beyond the ‘wage slaves’ we poor working whites could relate to, an entire class of ‘undocumented workers’ appeared willing to tollerate prettymuch any conditions in order to feed their expansive families ‘back home.’

But as mentioned below … we’ll never know the true costs that’s what “documentation” is for ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 23, 2019

Working for such low wages as a citizen means you likely don't pay taxes anyways. These immigrants were still productive and enabled further economic activity at higher amounts that were taxed all along the way, so their impact on the system costs are minimal.

@dokala My point and I think the point of this meme is there’s a lot more hidden costs involved with illegal workers than their lack of paying income taxes.

Because we only provide breakfast & lunch to migrants? My grandsons, white, born here, and mom a single working mother, qualified for, and needed, those meals, despite grandma (me) contributing to the household regularly! Racist!

@AnneWimsey If you’re unconcerned about that issue, then focus on the rest. Honestly, you’ve some anger problems I can’t resolve... But when it’s demanded the ‘hidden costs’ be exposed, this remains one of many.. So address the others, please … and if you explode in the process ..FU 🙂


This meme ignores the fact that the undocumented also pay taxes - sales taxes, gasoline taxes, and even property taxes when they pay rent.


Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $142.3 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance.

That's over $5 million per day to keep all Israelis safe, with free health care and free education. From us. Taxpayers in the U.S.


yep, but Unpatriotic and antisemitic to suggest anything about Israel.

How is Israel involved in this topics?

Oh, indeed! And they have an excellent medical-care program, everybody gets free college, etc etc etc......

@zesty Read the link.

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