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I have read a good deal of Freud's writings . . . . The modern reaction to anyone who mentions Freud is generally that he was misguided . . . .
. I disagree with that assessment. I think that while there were some fuzzy areas in his work, he was right on with a lot of things, and the reason why people poo-poo him is because they have not actually read him, they simply parrot what they have been taught.
. There is another reason why they shy away from Freud too . . . . People do not like to hear the truth, and they will go to great lengths to avoid hearing it.
"Every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average. His ego approximates to that of the psychotic in some part or other and to a greater or lesser extent." Sigmund Freud.

Archeus_Lore 7 Sep 1

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So many things have changed in the field of psychology since Freud's time though... do you ignore all of that and throw away things like the DSM V or other psychiatric diagnostics in favour of his primitive writings? I agree with Len that he is a founder of psych the way Darwin was the founder of evolution.


"Every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average. His ego approximates to that of the psychotic in some part or other and to a greater or lesser extent." Sigmund Freud.

couldn't agree more. we're all Fcking crazy. the craziest & most dangerous ppl are those who think they're sane.

Or - APPEAR sane . We are only as sick
as our secrets. And in some cases the lies we are believing.


I think there is a tendency when an academic says something that is either a bit mad or later proves to be completely wrong to then reject the rest of their work, too. Freud is one example, though much of what he said still makes sense. So too is Penrose, who says some batshit stuff but did lots of first-rate physics, Lethbridge and his woo-woo "stone tape hypothesis" yet whose work on Anglo-Saxon England is among the best ever produced, and Margulis who said a whole lot of insane stuff about butterflies in the larval and adult stages being separate species (and the Gaia Hypothesis, and quite a bit of other stuff) but was nevertheless perhaps the greatest evolutionary theorist of the 20th Century.

Jnei Level 8 Sep 1, 2019

Must the the Freud fan here then... I agree with you and Len Hazell. Freud provided the impetus for the advancement of the science. He gave some good descriptions of basic foundations of how the mind works and its development.


I find Freud to be to psychology what Darwin was to evolution.
Their work laid the foundations upon which others built.

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