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The DEA just made a huge change to how the government treats medical marijuana

A bland announcement in the Federal Register on Monday may mark the beginning of the end of federal drug cops' 50-year Reefer Madness crusade. []

desertastronomer 7 Sep 3

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Doesn't make sense, since his base is fundemtalist christians and I believe they're very pro restrictions.


About time have a medical marijuana license myself


Not currently a user of reefer, I can only say "it's about time." You would be surprised at how many people seem to go out of their way to support ALL of the nonsense that you may have heard about marijuana over the years. One man I know denies a medical use and says if there was one they would have found it years ago. I disagree. If someone mashed your foot with a big hammer and then gave you a joint you might feel better for a time. It beats Advil or Aspirin.


I have this awful prediction that Trump is going to legalize before 2020 and use it to win.

MsAl Level 8 Sep 3, 2019

@desertastronomer So you think legalizing cannabis would make everything else OK?

Climate change alone... We really can't afford another 4 years of this man.

I do think he could flip on this though and it would placate many to vote for him.

@desertastronomer Yes but if he did it before he would claim it. Some of the less politically educated weed smokers might vote for him. I'm not a fan of Biden whatsoever. I will be voting D in November though, regardless

Great comment. However, pot legalization does not trump economics, such as low income, increased prices, and job loss. Legalization may make a small difference, but IMO not enough.

@desertastronomer Sorry I misread your response to mean you would support him if he did. I see now it doesn't say that. I'm a supporter of using hemp but I think we need more drastic lifestyle changes to life and industry than just legalizing hemp production. Trump actively works to prevent this.

@EdEarl People who are educated in politics and despise Trump obviously won't vote for him. The majority of the population isnt quite as politically savvy. I think it would pull over alot of the youth vote and possibly some of the black vote as well. Much of the population thinks he is good on the economy.

@MsAl The polls cited by mainstream media have been skewed in favor of GOP ideal by polling older, more conservative, people, and omitting younger, more progressive, people. Other polls, cited by progressive news show Trump in big trouble. Moreover, a recent report said many GOP politicians fear losing their jobs in the next election. If there is a large voter turn-out, Trump and the GOP will lose.

@EdEarl I hope you are right. I didn't think it would happen the last time. I get a little sick when I think about it.

@MsAl Four Senate seats can turn it blue.


Finally they can start looking at actually science fact with real studies. This is great news.


Great news for science.

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