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Trump sez the Nobel Peace Prize is rigged.


itsmedammit 8 Sep 25

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I would LOVE for them to give it to Hillary Clinton for some reason this year.... 45's head would explode!

THAT would be awesome.


He is right. It is rigged in favor of people who genuinely contribute something to mankind. Ergo, Trump does not have the chance of a snowball in hell of ever even getting a nomination for the Nobel prize.

You mean they don't have a con man category?


a bad joke.

You mean when Trump requested that a leader of another country nominate him? He seems a bit confused on the definition of nominate.


It is rigged... Smart people get it and that lets him out entirely!

You may be on to something there.


Of course he does - he hasn’t got it - Obama does - and he can’t take it away 😉

Varn Level 8 Sep 25, 2019

Nana nana boo boo.


What does he mean rigged? On the surface a small group of people get together in a secret room and decide who to award it to. But behind the scenes....?

Well I guess he does know a thing or two about rigging.


As a person who rigged building and worker contracts to cheat as much as he could to make his real estate money, I am sure he is just jealous he couldn't rig that.

Yup, if anyone knows about rigging, he does.


It must be rigged, they gave Obama a Nobel for wanting World peace - that's like giving a child a participation award.

gater Level 7 Sep 25, 2019

I would much rather have the award go to a person capable of diplomacy who brought dignity to the White House and worked toward peace than give it to a reckless, self-serving oaf that encourages racism, sexism, xenophobia and divisiveness.

@itsmedammit How about it going to someone that has earned it?

@gater I'll agree that it was one of their weaker choices, but the article was about Trump complaining that he could never win the prize and he claims to think he deserves it. Trump could never, ever qualify, given his history of lying and cheating and not caring a shit about anyone but himself.

Obama at least is on the positive side of humanity.

@itsmedammit Trump has done far more to achieve World Peace than Obama did - all Obama did is to fund terrorism.

@gater You probably should consider your news sources. Let me guess, you actually think Obama is Muslim too and was not born in the US? Do you believe in the "deep state" too?

@itsmedammit I know Obama loved Iran, he unfroze 150 billion for them, and gave them 1.8 billion in cash. - I know the national deficit grew from 10 trillion to 19 trillion under Obama - adding more to the deficit and any president in history. I know he was under qualified to be president.

@gater []

I'm not going to do all your homework for you.

Trump is no where near qualified to be president. He has no concept of working for the people. He has no experience. He does not understand the difference between government and business. He also is not the greatest with money. Course we won't know how badly he handles it because he won't release his tax returns. What is he afraid of? That's a rhetorical question that needs no answer. I am done here with you.

@itsmedammit So the record high stock market and record low unemployment just happened by themselves?

@gater You forgot that Obama turned the economy around when we were on the brink of recession. And unemployment, did you forget that Obama was the one that got that headed in the right direction after the soaring rates under Bush. []

@itsmedammit lol typical Dem - gives Obama credit for the Trump economy. Denial is not only a river in Egypt.

@gater Do you think the Bureau of Labor Statistics lies about the plummeting unemployment rate under Obama, or do you just have trouble reading a graph?


So if it's rigged, why would people crave it?

He wants what Obama has. 🙂


Just pissing his pants lol

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2019

He sure is.


What a cry baby! If there was a prize for fucking up the environment he’d get it!!

Grandiosity and entitlement are major signs of narcissistic personality disorder. Which trump has in spades! He of course thinks he ‘deserves’ one!

@CarolinaGirl60 He thinks he deserves a lot of things.


Awwwww! Poor Trumpty Dumbty!

He's mad that Obama has one.

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