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Haiti has been racked by corruption forever . I'm so ashamed that America has been part of it.[]revolution-to-overthrow-us-backed-regime/

Lorajay 9 Sep 29

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Colonialism by any TERRORIST nation like France England Spain Belgium Germany Italy and more recently USA SOVIETS KNESSET SAUDIS CHINA have murdered enslaved billions of people since 1450 Vatican decree


Some of us complain; some of us act; some of us don’t care.


Funny, there are 2 countries on this island and the other one is nowhere near as bad as Haiti. A lot of it's problems were and still are self inflicted.

Why do so many assume the rich and powerful countries are the only one that exploit others? Yes, we/they do but in the real world, all the bigger fish eat the smaller ones and it starts at the top and works its way to the bottom. No group is innocent from exploiting other groups. It has been a part of life since the beginning.

Exploitation has been a part of life since the beginning.

When empathy appeared the animals who had it started what we call morality. Choose your place in what you see.

@yvilletom Empathy has been shown to be a part of human evolution. We can survive with it. Other animals don't need it and, in fact, it gets in the way of their survival. There is another David Attenborough series call "The Hunt." [] Nature is red of tooth and claw and that is the real world. I don't think people fully understand what that really means.


Haiti is a speck compared to all the shame that I feel toward the US.

Some emotions move people to act. Other emotions don't.



As someone once told me a few ago, " Where ever AmeriKKKa goes, just like ancient Rome, it creates a desert and calls it Peace."


Me too, but we all know that Haiti made some damned deal with invisible beings many years ago and this is why the main invisible being does not bless them. Pat Robertson will tell you that.


There is plenty of corruption inside the US too.


That is called imperialism. And the average citizen of USA loves when you spread democracy over the less powerful countries XD


The US has been responsible for whole lot of corruption around the world.
Our failed policies in Central America are directly responsible for the exodus
of refugees, who have been trying to seek asylum in this country.
We've helped install corrupt regimes all over the world.
Haiti is only another example of our wretched interference.

Countries in Central and S. America are responsible for their own problems. Yes we and other countries have a hand in this but corruption knows no boundaries. People are all the same all over the world. Haiti is an example of people not understanding the importance of resources. The history of Haiti is similar to Easter Island in that all the trees were cut for homes, fire and boats. When the resource base is gone the society crumbles as it has been doing for a longtime.

"Our" loosely defined = USA fascist corporations controlling Marine Corps deployments since 1898 and CIA murderers since 1947


Standard course for state department

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 29, 2019

We have been supportive of corruption worldwide for over half a century, as long as the leaders of the countries do not declare themselves socialists or communists. Any Right Wing dictator can count on full financial support for himself and the oligarchs of the country to keep them in power. Left leaning governments can be certain that the US is providing support to overthrow them and financial sanctions to assure their government can never succeed.

In the end its about resources. Our modern society couldn't exist without a lot of resources from other places. For some time China has been exploiting our desire for cheap products and now we wonder why they have become so rich and powerful and their demand for certain foodstuffs increase our prices for these goods. What goes around comes around as it has done for hundreds of years.

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