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Have a look at this chart . . . .[]

Archeus_Lore 7 Oct 6

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So raising the minimum wage IS a key issue of Mr. Sanders. I haven't followed him to closely, so I just learned. States on his website 2/3 of minimum wage employees are women, I hadn't known that fact.This is definitely a very critical issue for everyone in this country because poverty effects the entire society not only those living directly in it.


i wonder how hard it would be for Americans to transition from having more stuff- the current commodification of what used to be non tangible quality of life indicators. eg the idealized successful middle class family had one TV, one car, not all the latest gadgets, mended their clothes, did more manual labor around the house, kids rode their bikes places instead of being driven, didnt keep their house cooled to 68 degrees at all times....

IF things were like they were when you could live on th eminimum wage, theyd be spending less at big box stores, wouldnt have a pantry full of snacks, mom would take the bus while dad was at work, the kids wouldbt be enrolled in ice skating lessons in the summer in Phoenix, and the infant mortality rate would be much higher, people would just die of diseases instead of living years and years with costly treatments... but theyd have enough money to send the kids to college, save for retirement, go on a vacation every now and then...


It's my understanding Mr. Sanders has a new plan to to tax companies with certain pay disparities between the CEOs and the median salaried workers. It won't fix this problem, but certainly is a step in the right direction. Who agrees with CEO's take all corporate mentality? If you want to opt out of that type of system it's looking to me like Mr. Sanders is the best bet who will help us do just that.

Additionally some states and localities have made good strides in improving the wage. This needs to be the impetus for other places to do the same.


Swap the word "neglect" for "Republicans" and then you got it.


That shows how exploitive the Republican Party has been in the last 80 years.


This is because the greedy want it all. This same greedy continue to say we cannot afford to pay a livable wage. The Koch empire is fast turning everything back into 1900's America and nobody cares because they do not want to disrespect their god named Trump.

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