I was thinking about asking this woman out. So I did what any person would do, I facebooked her. The very first post on her wall was a meme. It said, "If he don't pray, walk away." NEXT!!!!!
Being upfront is a good thing...look a the time you both saved!
you're both going to the same place in the end so why are you down on her limited understanding when yours isn't any more advanced?
@eStop you can't even pull your head out long enough to understand simple comments? you got a lot of growth left to do. start reading.
@eStop keep reading. maybe visit some other lands. watch shows foreign to you. keep strange hours and visit new dives and haunts.
@NoPlanetB yes, if someone says new things that are perplexing or uncomfortable then you're obviously being trolled. that's the way to explore and discover new things!!
@NoPlanetB that would leave you firmly entrenched in step 2 of the paradigm shift process.