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Speaking of dying I just read a post about it. I wonder if hospices are in the business of gently killing people. I mean would my husband have lived another 2 weeks without a hospice? He was in too much pain smoked while on drugs and almost burned himself to death so I had to put him in hospice. He died a few days later. How common do you think it is that hospices intentionally kill?

K9Kohle789 8 Oct 25

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That’s BS. People don’t use hospice correctly by waiting until the very end to start hospice care. They make your dying person the most comfortable as they’re going. They (and no other doctors) take a hypocratic oath to murder people. This post pisses me off big time!

That's their promise, to prolong life...... the problem is, there is no such thing as death, you just go to the next world. Our souls are part of the infinite....we are eternal biological entities.....consciousness is a very fine light in itself that moves faster than the light that we are frozen in. It is about light frequencies.

@FlyingEagle1952 there is no evidence for a soul or next dimension... enough of your mumbo jumbo... take it to the woo spiritual group.

@demifeministgal I have my evidence, what happened to me. It may be mumbo jumbo to you, but not me. I don't even believed it happened, but it did. All changes when "IT" happens to you. Read BEYOND THE LIGHT by PMH Atwater. Read LIFE AFTER LIFE by Dr Raymond Moody and read SAVED BY THE LIGHT by Dannion Brinkley. Another book on reincarnation is JOURNEY OF SOULS by Newton. Get on YOUTUBE and just enter "NDE experiences"....and you will hear testimonies from people who have died. And NO....most
of them are NOT Christians. if you don't want to read the books or listen to the testimonies then don't. I get the same bullshit from my 2 daughters who are born again fanatic evangelic Christians.....and I am possessed by demons......okay whatever. I live with my experience.
If you don't prepare yourself, then it all happens when you will go into shock.....happy landing...

@FlyingEagle1952 aah so you are ignorant about what causes the hallucinations in NDE's then? Okay let me spell it out for you with science: "A near-death experience is a profound psychological event with mystical elements. It typically occurs in people close to death, or during situations of intense physical or emotional pain, but may also happen after heart attacks or traumatic brain injuries, or even during meditation and syncope (loss of consciousness due to a fall in blood pressure)...Culture and age may also influence the kind of near-death experience people have.

For example, many Indians report meeting the Hindu king of the dead, Yamraj, while Americans often claim to have met Jesus. Children typically describe encountering friends and teachers "in the light".

Most reported near-death experiences are positive, and have even helped in reducing death anxiety, affirming life, and increasing well-being.

However, some near-death experiences are negative and include feelings such as lack of control, awareness of nonexistence, hellish imagery, or perceived judgement from a higher being.

@FlyingEagle1952 " two types of near-death experiences.

Type one, which is associated with the brain's left hemisphere, features an altered sense of time and impressions of flying.

Type two, involving the right hemisphere, is characterised by seeing or communicating with spirits, and hearing voices, sounds and music.

the most widespread explanation for near-death experiences is the dying brain hypothesis. This theory proposes that near-death experiences are hallucinations caused by activity in the brain as cells begin to die.

As these occur during times of crisis, this would explain the stories survivors recount. The problem with this theory, though plausible, is that it fails to explain the full range of features that may occur during near-death experiences, such as why people have out-of-body experiences.

While it's unclear why there are different types of near-death experiences, the different interactions between brain regions produce these distinct experiences.

The temporal lobes also play an important role in near-death experiences.

This area of the brain is involved with processing sensory information and memory, so abnormal activity in these lobes can produce strange sensations and perceptions."

@demifeministgal you don't understand, there were 4 Angels in front of me. I wanted to talk about them so I first asked them do something to prove to me they were real. A couple of years after appearance. I didn't want them to be hallucinations. I was just like YOU when I had my experience. It was a kundalini awakening. Well, guess what......THEY DID IT!!! So I was very happy for my mother. Once you exit your body and go to the next plane, things change. And most people who have these experiences just commit suicide or end up in the nut house. I live with it. Sooner or later you are gonna leave this existence. My mother was like you too, she believed there was nothing after you die. She died at 73, but at 70 she told me that when she was in the hospital she was standing in the corner of the room watching the doctor work on her body!!! "Scared the shit out of me, I'm not ready to die yet!!!" She was freaked what are you suppose to do. I went on Google and entered 'Beings of Light".....guess how many hits I got??? 51 million. Then I entered "Near Death Experiments".....guess how many hits I got? 211 million. So I'm not alone. I don't know why I had my experience and others don't. Well, you're not gonna stay here......your body gets old and your physical body rots back into the planet. Take some LSD, you will find out consciousness can leave the body....happy landing....Death is the beginning. Believe what you want, the planet is gonna keep spinning around the sun.

@FlyingEagle1952 LSD also leads to hallucinations... the more one becomes educated about neurology and the way chemicals impact our brains, the less spiritual people become. And yes, the earth will keep spinning around the sun once we both die... that we can agree on.

@demifeministgal This whole dimension is a hallucination. When you die, you wake up. You have to experience it. It's all about light frequencies. We are a dream in the creator's mind. Einstein had it figured out that time is part of this dimension. I met lots of people that died and were brought back to life. My time here is getting closer to the end. So what can you do??? I'm gonna be singing with Elvis...ha ha


I suppose if they are all filled up and need a bed they might consider eliminating a patient who's going to die soon anyway......It's despicable ...but it's not personal...just business....gotta make a profit.


Well, I don’t know if they kill or not, but once the person dies, they stop receiving income, don’t they? Is it not in their best economic interests to keep patients alive for as long as they can?


It depends upon if there are any people working there who want to kill others and get away with it. Beyond that there was Korvorkian and he is another matter. Do we need a Jack Korvorkian? I'm not sure.


my lass,it took about about seven months,it wasnt easy,the morphine was heavy,but I`m glad that she had no pain


Believing something without evidence. That’s something I might expect of a theist.

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