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Rekindle an old relationship? Any thoughts or feelings about this?

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GreatNani 8 Oct 27

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I am currently in a 15 year relationship with my high school girlfriend... 35 yrs. in between....

blzjz Level 7 Dec 14, 2019

No one-size-fits-all here...

I've had two gf's I would leap to ex-wife, FWB before we married, FWB again after we separated...


Just remember, there was a reason he became an ex. Speaking from personal experience, here.

Yes there is and he is reminding me of why right now! 🙂


There's one flame I'd like to rekindle, but I don't see it happening. Unless, of course, he decides to leave his wife.


I've rekindled several old flames, some more than once. I've found all of those experiences to be positive.


I've seen it work for some. But though I've remained friends with some exes (and their new women), I've not ever rekindled with an ex.

There was one however, that I would have given it a shot with, if he'd been willing ... long ago.

There is only one and he is struggling with the whole concept of oh shit I love this woman and I am happy. Doesn't know how to be happy? So, I am undecided whether to give it a go again or not.

@GreatNani Maybe take an agreed upon break from each other, and see how that feels ... Good luck with whatever happens !


It's like I said to someone else here, if there were issues with the person and/or your relationship drynamic (ie bad conflict resolution) then those problems will still be there a 2nd or 3rd time around... but if the relationship was ideal and fell apart due to timing or different life trajectories (ie pursuing careers in different regions or one wanting to start a family and the other not wanting kids) then the relationship can be rekindled without problems.


Everyone is different. Once I walk away, I'm gone for good. Relationships end for a reason. Unless both people have changed considerably, the same issues will reoccur.

You are probably right. Makes me sad


there exes for a reason


Remember why you broke up the first time.

Yes I am remembering. Just not sure what to do about it all.


It would entirely depend on where both people are with themselves and each other. Both would have had to have gotten past whatever problems caused them to break up, and to be able to work through together any challenges that would come up in the present. Or if they more or less drifted apart, they still need to make sure they're ready to come back together and that they're doing so for the right reasons.

Yes working through the why is a big one.


It depends on whether one or both sparks have changed, or not. At the minimum you may enjoy reliving a bit of history. But, more than likely, it will not work out forever.


My inclination is no. However, it depends a lot on what kind of relationship it was before, why it ended or the two drifted apart, and probably most importantly if trust was broken. It can be complicated, and those pesky feelings screw things up.

No broken trust. Mostly the distance bothered him and maybe an inability to let himself be happy. Probably will not give it another go. I want to be happy!


I will have to agree with number two.


I'm up for anything.

No surprises.

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