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I've conquered the final hurdle in my fear of being single after 22 years of marriage.

Today I fixed the vacuum cleaner!

ElusiveMoby 7 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Ha, ha ha


So, for how many years did he not fix the vacuum?


There are now YouTube Videos for everything.

For everything else - there's us: "A Help Resource for Members "


you will be fitting a whole new kitchen soon


One step at a time.


Alright! I LOVE women who are able to figure stuff out and then make a repair to a piece of machinery. A few years ago I was working on a friend's Mercedes, and she asked me some questions about how that part of the car worked, so I told her! Then I said that I don't meet many female gearheads, to which she seemed to take some offense, and almost snapped back that she wasn't a gearhead, she only wanted to understand how stuff works. To which I said "That's what being a gearhead means, Dear!" "Oh." was her reply.
What was broken on your vacuum cleaner?

It just had an inner clog. Vacuums usually frustrate me though.


Big one isn't it

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019



Every voyage starts somewhere! 😁 I will assume that it involved more than changing the bag? 😃 I actually had to do that for an ex, along with cleaning out the feed which had clogged because of the full bag. 😄

It involved taking the machine apart to find the clog. But . . . I finally figured it out.


Is that before or after oil changes?

Now that's something I'll never get to, I'm afraid.


Sex roles and power driving belts beating dirt loose from rugs only to be sucked up a hose into a bag....nothing Feminist or Atheist about carpet cleaning BUT SO PROUD OF YOU JUST THE SAME

There was a clog deep in the machine. I used my shop vac to remove it. Worked like a charm.

@ElusiveMoby innovating women dullard dope dicks

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