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Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or hates all Muslims.

Change My Mind

tbarrack90 4 Nov 4

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Agreed, just as Christians can discuss their religion and cherry pick their beliefs from the bible, yet still be followers of that faith rather than not.
But muslims have been known to be rather protective of their religion and the critics been personally targeted. I remember this fatwa being placed, even when I knew nothing of the quoran: []


It may be so, however most people have no clue about Islam, they have never red the Quran, just like most Christians have never red the Bible no matter how many Bible studies the attend.


In one of your replies you indicated that this issue has something to do with one's political views. Curious as to why you think something about religion is a far right or left position. If anything, the more extreme a religious position a person holds, the more likely he/she is to be hard right winged politically, regardless of the religion.

No, I do not think that criticism of any religion implies hatred for members of those religions, so I have no interest in changing your mind.

Sometimes the attacks on religions are unnecessarily viscous and provocative, creating more harm than good. But that is a different question.

@tbarrack90 "Well id like to ask you how many Fundamental Muslims you know who fall on the right politically?"

I was being very general here, and not limiting to the US. Religious extremists and political hard right both are into authoritarianism. I do not know any extreme Muslims personally, at least that I am aware of. But then I generally don't ask people about their religious views because I'm just not interested.

Not sure what theory of mine you are referring to, but as I have said, I am not interested in changing your mind. Criticizing any religion does not equate to a phobia about individuals of that religion.

I don't see the far left defending Islam. Are you confusing their actions with defending individuals against discrimination?


The few I've met in person , seem like nice folks . However , I have real problems with the , "Shira (sp) Law . "


ISLAM IS just a Religious Doctrine ergo it IS not a criticism of the believers in any way, shape or form.
just as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc, etc, ARE merely Religions and Religious SYSTEMS of belief and as such, criticising them is NOT being racist either, though ever so many would have people believe it is.
Being Xenophobic, Racist, Antisemitic call it what you will has absolutely NOTHING to do with the system of belief they choose to follow, ONLY criticising a PERSON/S for the ETHNICITY alone is being Xenophobic, Racist, etc, etc.
So, my advise to you is this, Build a bloody bridge and GET over it.


I agree, but up to a point. Criticizing an idea is obviously not the same as hating a person.

However there is a line at which criticizing an idea becomes tedious and unproductive and can be abused...such as criticising the age of earth, evolution, climate change, vaccines and more recently...sigh...the flatearthers.

As long as the debate is not used politically to disenfranchise a group or spread misinformation, then do and say as you please. Just don't expect me to care or pay attention.


If it really is on doctrine and practice then no. However, I have seen a lot of FB campaigns to ban halal meat. They`re ostensibly arguing against the methods of slaughter but you notice no other animal welfare issues that they are concerned with and they never say halal/kosher. Even though the slaughter method is the same.
Add to that, although it looks awful the halal/kosher method is quite humane. It cuts off the carotid arteries and starves the brain of blood till you blackout. If I were to be executed? It is a method I might choose.


@Gareth As humane a slaughter can be. Unless you are a vegan, we will accept that animals will be killed for us. A humane society will look for the least painful way to do this. Having your throat slit quickly and with one cut is how I might choose to go (should I have to choose). The loss of blood to the brain will make you pass out. As I myself can testify, as I have had a similar thing happen in judo.
We really have no idea what kind of pain being stunned with an electric prod to the head causes but if it is anything like a taser? Give me the knife any day.


Funny the response when you change Islam & Muslim for US Citizen & bullying.


I don't hate muslims. But if I did then I would be branded a racist. Even though a set of beliefs in itself has nothing to do with race. There are white Muslims.


It's the same thing as any negative comment about Israel -- Jew bashing, is the phrase, I think. Very few people have a sense of humor regarding their faiths. They all act like Trump -- jumping up and down calling the other person names.


Maybe not; too often the critic just uses that as a shield/excuse to feel better about being a xenophobic Muslim-hater.
Kind of like not all rednecks who claim the rebel flag is ‘heritage not hate’ are racist trash. A huge number of them ARE racist trash. I have seen and heard it all my life in the Bible Belt.
I could be wrong, of course.


Nope,you’re good!


You good



Islam is a cult based on domination of all mankind!

It is a murderous cult which not only kills non believers a Kafir, adulterous women, homosexuals and ever members of other sect of Islam by beheadings, curfixtion, stoning, and dismemberment.

Under the Qur'um and Sharia Law which devote over half of there content on how to destroy or eliminate the Kafir!!

Hence criticism is based upon facts and actions, hearsay or speculation!!!

There are 52 Islamic Sharia govern countries whose total population is at 1.75 billion.

By the way there are only 18 million Jews on this planet with one country of just over 8 million Jews with over 2 million Arabs residing in that country of Israel!!!


I would argue christianity has many similar doctrines of domination/conversion that would be no different than sharia in execution. Furthermore historical conquests by Christian groups have far outpaced Islamic groups

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