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Do you have a favorite movie you can re-watch countless times and never get bored of it? Mine is "The Breakfast Club." I also own a Breakfast Club t-shirt! 😊😍

vjohnson51 7 Nov 10

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it's a good one...for some reason I can't stop watching Road House...still trying to decide if the blonde is attractive and love watching bad guys get nailed

lerlo Level 8 Nov 10, 2019



Team America, Flash Dance, The Great Escape, Footloose.


The 4 movies that zenoview mentioned, plus Chronicles of Riddick, 13 Going on 30, A Knight's Tale, Twister, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, most of the Marvel comic movies, Guardians of the Galaxy (I & II), and Must Love Dogs.


The Godfather and Star Wars.


Back to the Future

gater Level 7 Nov 10, 2019

MIB, fifth element, independence day, and armaggon.


The Big Lebowski and When Harry Met Sally. On the other side of the coin never watched a harry potter movie... never seen the wizard of oz or alice in wonderland neither is a wonderful life.


So, so many.
Bringing Up Baby
Some Like it Hot
Arsenic and Old Lace (every Halloween)
My Fair Lady
Sound of Music
Dirty Dozen
The Great Race
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Many Disney animated films
Entire Harry Potter series
Holiday Inn
Wizard of Oz
Gone With the Wind

And that doesn't even really get into more recent movies....


Movies from the 70s, 80s, 90s


I don't know about watching countless times and never tiring of it, but I very much enjoy revisiting Casablanca whenever I can. It's my favorite movie.


Sure, lots, but I'll give you three:

  • Time Bandits
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  • Big Trouble in Little China

Seen them many times, still love em'.


George Pal's The Time machine after that 1956 Forbidden Planet for something newer Alien, then Time Bandits, Young Frankenstein and the list could go on quite a bit further.


Trading Places, Miss Congeniality, about 6-7 more.


Quite a few that I like to rewatch once a year or two, not many I can think of that I’d watch over n over in close proximity though. Big Lebowski, Shawshank Redemption, Monty Pythons Holy Grail, Dr Strangelove, Airplane, Blazing Saddles, a lot of legendary silly comedies and Terantino flicks mostly.


Happy Accidents ::: one of the best sci-fi rom-coms


Animal House


Wall Street
Nothing Hill
As Good As It Gets
The Shinning


That is a good one. My favorite is a comedy, is a French movie called "The Visitors", there was an American copy, but it was not quite as good as the French version. There is also a comedy in Russian with English subtitles, called Ivan Vasiliavich Changes Profession . . . I posted a link to it earlier, it is a little tough to watch the first time around because you have to watch the subtitles, but once you have seen it a few times it will have you rolling on the floor. More serious movies . . BOP, or "The Theif" in Russian with English subtitles, just outstanding in every way. "The Count of Monte Christo", with Gerard Depardieu French with English Subtitles, NOT the American version, is quite excellent. The most serious movie I have probably ever seen is one called "Come and See", in Russian, it is an anti-war movie, and not for the faint of heart. THIS movie, which events in it take place during world war II - is absolutely outstanding,


Dr. Strangelove (Stanley Kubrick)
Saving Pvt. Ryan (Steven Spielberg)
Sex and Lucia (including the luscious Paz Vega)
Love (by Gaspar Noe)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick)
Catch 22 (by Mike Nichols) chiefly because of the great films of B-25's in flight

I watched Dr. Strangelove again for the umpteenth time this week. I never noticed before but Sellers US president ts very NY gay.
It was part of a bbc season on the cold war. I highly recommend Rich Halls documentary on it which talks about the film amongst other things


Soooo many. Musicals galore, Cary Grant movies, this time of year White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life. Always Shawshank Redemption and Field of Dreams. Just so many. I do have to say Casablanca has never been a favorite. Never a big Bogie fan but I do love The African Queen,


Star Wars. All of them 😃


Breakfast Club is great.

I often go through phases of re-watching the same movie. Some movies are great regardless of medium, Some movie must be screened on the big the big screen

For TV viewing:
Corps Bride
Not The Messiah
The Princess Bride

Movies that are significantly better on the big screen big sound: (my screen is 205" anamorphic diagonal and I am currently running 24 amplifiers and speakers.)
The Iron Gian
Wreck it Ralph (3d)
Frozen (3d)
Life of Pi (3d)
Saving Private Ryan
Avatar (3d)
Pink Floyd The Wall
Pacific Rim (3d)
Jurassic Park (3d)
Sponge Bob Square Pants (run without projector just for the sound)
Sponge Bob Square Pants a sponge out of water (run without projector)
Polar Express (3d)
Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Apart (3d)
Maleficent (3d) - - one of the most requested movies
Most Star Wars favorite is Rogue One (3d)
Doctor Strange (3d)
Cloud Atlas

many others. . .


Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly)


I have a few.

@vjohnson51 Blade Runner (directors cut), most Bogart movies ( my favorite actor), the three Eastwood spaghetti westerns (especially The Good, Bad, and the Ugly), Dr Strangelove, and Mash.

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