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I used to be tolerant of all religions. Well, those days are gone. I've seen so much harm being done by "religious" people, and being sponsored and taught by their religions, that my tolerance has faded. So I'm confessing: I'm now actually anti-religious. I still support "freedom of religion" because we have a free country. Well, almost. But I want religious people to keep their religions in their churches, and goddammit don't hurt anybody!

mischl 8 Nov 15

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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I was thinking about that this morning. It seems, to the religious the ends justify the means. When I was going to Catholic school we were told very few would get into heaven as it takes one acting on their beliefs. One potential danger is to aim for immortality as the goal instead of loving thy neighbor and making sacrifices to help others. That seems to have changed and no one questions the fact that it is often the means that determine the ends. It's not where you end up but how you get there that will ultimately matter.

...and I was considering this just yesterday, “It seems, to the religious the ends justify the means.” And, that was my conclusion, too..

What does that say about those constantly touting their supposed moral superiority? I hope the whole world is watching ‘US,’ perhaps some will recognize the worst of their cultures as they do 😟

@Varn Problem is, these people have been touting 'moral means christianity' they can't (or won't) see the hypocrisy.

@JackPedigo Oh yes, quite true. One of the absolute WORST behaviors of a True Believer is moralizing. It's the dirtiest of dirty words.

@mischl I would say, in this case it can be called 'immoralizing.'


I'm with you.
I only tolerate believers because it's required by law.
I have no respect for their beliefs.

I only tolerate believers because it's required by law” ...hate it when I blurt out “God Damn!” ..but that’s another Bumper-sticker moment 😀


That is literally what freedom of religion is: believe any damn thing you want, but keep your bullshit to yourself. i don't like country music, but that doesn't give me the right to ban country music. I don't like pickles, but I don't boycott stores that sell them. I'm not gay, but what consenting adults do with each other is none of my fucking business, and if two men want to get married, I'll only be offended if they're my friends and don't invite me.

JimG Level 8 Nov 17, 2019

Jim, I completely agree with you!


We need freedom FROM religion. Those people have gone batshit crazy!


I respect peoples right to believe as they choose
That does not equate to respecting the belief, only your right to hold it.
If, as in the case with organized religions, I think that the one who believes is being mislead or exploited, I then feel an obligation to help them see how.

That is not easy.

Respect people, not what they believe in. If those beliefs lead to actions which cause you to lose the default respect all humans deserve, then that is on them.


I feel that way, too, but I still show respect for my religious family members and friends. Recognizing that some people just can't stop believing because it's just too ingrained. I would argue with them if they demonstrated intolerance, though.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

No argument

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 15, 2019

You sound like my parents … which likely explains why I’m a militant Atheist 🙂 (welcome aboard)

Varn Level 8 Nov 15, 2019

Militant atheist. Atheist militant. Man I love that terminology. Thank you. Forget waiting for my shirt. I am going to make my own. "Proud atheist militant".

@Heathenman Right on! ...gave my T away before they sent it (though love this place)..

Do look into American Atheists [] The first, the best … and a great place to throw money when you’re really pissed off at religion 😀

I was raised as a fundamentalist atheist...

@Heathenman You'd get on fewer police & FBI lists if you call yourself a proud militant atheist vs. a proud atheist militant...


This is a challenge that we don't win if we declare "war." We will never defeat god... at least not at this point. Maybe later, but not now. So instead, we hold religions accountable to their tenets. If they cannot hold themselves to the things they say they believe, then we need to point that out.

@Grahame: And this will happen when?

@Grahame: That's known as anecdotal evidence.... This is not happening on the planet. We have data, Nightly News, Congress, the Us/Them debacle. That it's happening in your house is awesome. I hope that it's happening in other's homes as well, but unless we make a determined effort to evolve in our thinking, we will not survive as a species.

Little things can do great things. But for every little thing that has managed to beat the odds, tens of thousands of little things dried up in the desert unable to get hold of life.


We are in a world war with islam. it is a disease of darkness. Total oppression of all we hold dear. The invasion into Europe is nearing the point of no-return without significant violence.

And, all the while, the progressive-liberals are abetting their own destruction.

This can not be TOLERATED if western civilization, the most important of human creations, is to survive our lifetimes.

Russia, china, eastern europe, are opposing this mental infection. We should too.

Jihad Report
October, 2019
Attacks 130
Killed 551
Injured 473
Suicide Blasts 6
Countries 22

Since 911: 35,900 attacks

Islam, the "Religion of Peace", has carried out an average 4 to 5 terrorist attacks a day, EVERY DAY day, since 9/11.

270 million killed since they started this war in 630 ad.





Does that include Buddhism, Taoism and Shinto along with Australian indigenous practices, or is this just the Abrahamic set?

@Allamanda Current age Sikhism recognise equality in society for women.

Australian Aboriginal society is leadered by women. It must be noted that, as with most indigenous cultures the term and praxis of ‘religion’ is a non-sensical concept as their social structure, cosmology and history etc. are intertwined as their culture.

For m'self, I've adopted the practice of Zen meditation and a mindset of Zen Buddhism, which entails NO belief system, no gods, no angels, no praying, no scriptures, and no bullshit.


I am tolerant of all religions. I am the most troubled by any effort to to push others to believe or disbelieve. The fanatics seem to get the most attention and create the most divisiveness.


There are believers that do follow the peaceful and tolerant teachings of their beliefs. It is the fanatics who cause the most pain in order to make themselves feel better. Unfortunately, the fanatics are the ones getting the attention, and I find myself feeling the same. However I fear becoming one of the intolerant and remind myself of the good ones.
#tolerance #


Non-theists hurt people also and so one could reasonably say that we have fewer excuses.

So, and correct me IF I am wrong, BUT are YOU saying that Non-Theists are responsible for the Crusades, the Genocides committed against the Native Peoples of Africa, Sth. and Central Americas, the Deaths and Destructions wrought by the Hebrews in Exodus, the Flood of Noah, the Destruction of Sodom, etc, etc.
NOW, before you attempt to use Circular Reasoning to refute my comment, TRY to remember that the Terminology THEIST does NOT merely refer to those who FOLLOW the Teachings, etc, of the Supreme Deities of the Xrstian, Hebrew or Islamic Religions, IT refers to and includes ALL Gods/Goddesses/Deities past, present and possibly Future as well.
Theist - derived from the Greek word "Theos" meaning God.
Ergo, Non-Theist (Atheist) - meaning simply a person who denies, does NOT believe/ does NOT wish to believe NOR follow the teachings, etc, of ANY THEOS or belief in said Theos.
N.B. Before you bring in anything about the Nazis or Communist Russia, also remember that the upper Echelon of the Nazi Party WERE attempting to create a NEW Aryan Religion and Stalin was a devout Orthodox Russian Christian and was attempting to subvert the powers and holds that the Orthodox Church had over the people and make their belief system much freer and easier on them.

@Grahame Sorry if I use capitals to get my point across but I am not so computer/Internet savvy as are others, I grew in the ages of pen and paper, etc, so sue me if that be your ardent desire.
As to your comment re- firstly, Russian, Nth. Korean and Chinese Communism, as a Qualified Psychologist I offer up that those Ideologies merely REPLACED the concepts, etc, of a God/Gods, etc, with a NEWER version, that being in their cases, Lenin, Stalin, the Kim Dynasty and Chairman Mao, which, to a Psychologist like myself is patently obvious when one sits and thinks about it.
The Nazi Party of WWII Germany did almost exactly the same thing with Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler did they not?
Idi Amin did exactly the same as well by purporting himself to be the One, the Only and the True Leader and Saviour of his people did he not?
After all, any religion/religious belief is what the Originator designs it to be for his own ends and means and only those.
As for " my Ego," well in actual fact, I don't truly have in the concept to which Ego is often referred these days, in fact I simply see myself as yet another human being who seeks and strive to learn and keep on learning as free as possible from the restraints that society seems to want to place upon us, is that a bad thing?
As to my "rant" as you so kindly put it, well what my seem a 'rant' to some may not be a 'rant' to those who also seek to understand/ comprehend the opinions, etc, of others around them.

@Grahame Well believe it or not I am somewhat computer illiterate in quite a number of ways.
I still do things by the pen and paper method but am slowly learning to use my desk-top for things such as this site, etc.
Logically speaking, are NOT the Gods/Goddesses, etc, that humans have adored and worshipped merely made up entities at best?
There has never been brought forward any empirically tried and tested, proven proof nor evidence that such Entities ever truly existed, has there?
Oh, and forgive here, but I seek to correct you that the Nazis, via Himmler, sought very hard to CREATE their own new religion, the Aryan Religion and Belief with Hitler as the Fuhrer ( Leader) and the incarnation of the Aryan God/Deity, that is documented and historical fact I'm afraid to say.
Err excuse for being a little obtuse here, BUT " paid up member of what" are you claiming that I am?

@Grahame Funny that since I am a member of NO clubs what-so-ever and as for the sound of my own voice, well I prefer the silence of living alone and resisting even the tendency to talk even to myself.

@Grahame Oh, I have company, I have good friends who drop in for visits, coffee, etc, I chat with people I meet on the street, in shops, etc, not everyone needs to gregarious all the time.


I am tolerant of any religion that does not go out of its way to prosthelytize . They leave me alone and if their beliefs help them--well its all good

Universally, nearly all belief systems cause people to want to get others to believe the same thing.

@mischl I think the same could be said for anyone that holds an opinion, i.e. they would prefer that everybody shared their opinion & agreed with them.




Fair enough.

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