9 4

According to the site stats, there's nearly 100,000 registered users of this site but there's never more than about 250 people online ever. It seems there's plenty of members here but the vast majority are just signing up and rarely if ever participating.

That's a shame. I'd like to see more activity here like there is on the Xian forums. It irks me that their community is so much more active.

C'mon heathens, step up your game.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Another message about a billion new members and a trillion new messages.

I think this is a twilight zone episode with Opie in charge. There are only about 300 of us really posting.


I get a message every couple days about xxx new members and xxx new messages. Hundreds and hundreds.

But, i agree. I keep seeing all the same old faces. With an occasional new-b.

I see the same info and I think "Bullshit. Where is all this activity taking plave because I don't see it."

@Sgt_Spanky So ya think it is fake news, just to make the few and the committed feel loved?

@Jacar Beats me but if it's as active as they claim where is all this activit happening? I don't see it on the main page.


I think that it is in part that they never delete an account, so that there are a lot of ghost accounts belonging to people, possibly theists, who came to take a look and then went, when once they had satisfied their curiosity. And sadly in most clubs and social groups, you will tend to find that only ten percent of members ever take part.

This would explain a lot.


I do my part but some have demanding jobs like pralina1 who does a yoemans job she is awesome

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 17, 2019

I am trying ! My work days are 18 hr long , and normally I am able to read and comment on a break or b4 going to bed !!!

LOL - No one's blaming you personally, P1. 🙂


I promote when I can.


We have a lot more new members per day in the past month - I'd say there must be a good ad campaign somewhere.

We'd actually hit 100K but some site culling obviously took place....

Perhaps agnostics aren't 'joiners'? Or perhaps this is simply what site growth looks like on a smaller scale.

We can't compare to FB They have enormous numbers.

I think a greater emphasis should be put on participation over sign-ups. There's plenty of users but most of them seem to be keeping to themselves.

@Sgt_Spanky I think that's what the Level 8 T-shirt is about. But I agree actual back and forth is valuable.


Its been up by about 75 a day in the last month or so. It was rarely over 200 for a few months before that. Ive noticed new ads on FB, hadnt seen any in awhile. Im guesdi3ng that the uptick.

That's still a miniscule percebtage of nearly 100K registered users.

We used to get 550 members or more in the evenings. Still not representative of a site this size.
Maybe someday we'll get that game room added! (With chat).


Me too. We're much more interesting. 🙂

You know it. 👍

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