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Vice President, Mike Pence's office, releases a statement calling Ambassador Gordon Sondland a liar but only one of them is under oath LOL. Agree/Disagree Pence is a co-conspirator in the obstruction and conspiracy bribing Ukraine.

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 20

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Pence is scared shitless. Well, he's probably constipated by now.
He knows the investigations will swing his way before too long.
The investigators may already have a case on him.


Of course he is, he cannot wait to jump him so he for sure would do whatever and whenever TOT wants.


pence is a piece of shit. He is in on the scam all the way and should also be removed from office as a co-conspirator.

Like a poop that wouldn't flush, every time you try, a lawyer turns off the water.

@PondartIncbendog DAMN! Best discription I've heard in a while!! I am stealing it! Bathroom humor at it's finest. lol


I wonder if the dems CAN get Nancy in as prez....

That would be historical. She would top Jerry Ford as she would jump right up to prez.

She would have to take it otherwise Mitch gets the nod.

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