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So its been a while. Back on here tonight after a hiatus mainly just because my thoughts are trapped in my head again and I feel I need to get them out again. I feel Ive been getting better and better at dealing with my emotions as they come and needing less and less to voice them and be validated by someone. In the end when I look at my life I know I am making correct decisions and that I am working hard and should be proud of myself. Im still not really completely happy but I know that that's okay and its much better to be patient with life and keep your integrity even in periods of loneliness than to compromise your values.

Ive basically quit dating completely. Im still looking online but there are few that sustain my attention. Most are just looking to get laid. Most don't want kids and since I have a toddler fulltime...would not work. Alot of them I find unattractive lol. Most that do attempt to chat it up I quickly realize are looking for a hookup. Months ago I hooked up randomly with a 29 year old guy. We had pizza and hung out first and I had dated him once before and found him interesting, etc. I like it alot but he left right after. I texted him a few times and he responded but I felt I was the sole initiator. When this happens I have a rule to stop completely until they initiate and let them initiate for a while before i do again. So I stopped and deleted his number. He never texted me again. I forgot his name. Then last week he texts me out of the blue as if no time had passed. I made convo then politely told him I was not interested in hooking up with him again. Then deleted his number again. lol. This is my self protection and although it does make me feel alone I know it is better than the alternative of chasing a guy that is just using me.

I know Ive been down, but I feel learning to deal with it is the best option. Counsellors will just help you figure out solutions to your own problems and cost money. friends just say what will make you feel better. You, more than any person know what you have done right or wrong and can hold yourself accountable. You more than any person can offer yourself judgement, love, forgiveness, and respect when necessary. A rational mind and self sufficiency are more valuable than anything you can give yourself.

I have been going to a Universalist Unitarian Church. I cannot say how glad I am to have a church like this in my city. The messages are very clear and necessary. I feel like I belong for once. I feel I can gather wisdom from going in times of mental confusion. I may try to join soon.

Thank you for listening to my latest dear diary lol. Go back to your atheistic rituals 😛

Lauraleigh39 6 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you're talking about life in these United States. Can't comment about elsewhere. People want to get laid. They also want to be loved. It's an conundrum. Or they want to have a relationship of convenience. Men do it. Women do it too.

Earlier in the year I was "dating" this woman I knew back in high school. Then I noticed what was going on. I was getting laid and falling for her. But it had morphed into just getting laid. Every guys dream, right? We started making dates and then she'd break the dates because something more important came up. I got to thinking, she's just taking care of her priorities. Family and work. Those were her priorities. Actually that's admirable. She was taking care of the things that were important to her. It was a short list, that I wasn't on. That was what I was thinking.

Two month period, we planned several dates. We only kept one. I asked myself WTF? I'm "dating" this woman, how? We were together once in two months. Always legitimate excuses for breaking the dates. The other side of the coin is, no reason to prioritize the dates.

I eventually told her, after I sulked awhile and quit answering her texts, was, I thought being her boyfriend was a part-time job.

I'm not looking to get married, but I'm looking for a little more than being someone's low priority afterthought.


Spartanburg is pretty much ground zero for god! That makes it tough. I'm hip though... Trying to find a person that meets all the criteria and that doesn't piss you off with something else is hard to do these days. Looking online only exacerbates the issue. I'm on one site that actually gives me matches with no pictures at all. It seems the only ones that respond are those that clearly didn't read my profile for what I find interesting or are looking for. It KILLS me to find the one or two that seem really interesting and then at the end of their profile it speaks of their relationship with the lord. It makes me want to throw up in my mouth!

I decided to let my 2 subscriptions lapse. I have 1-2 months left on them. I'll glance daily but I am not hopeful. I don't view this site as a dating site... Though there are a few..... 😉

You may want to try the Unitarian church in Spartanburg. There are many Agnostics that go there and usually a different caliber of people altogether. Certainly none that should offend you with their beliefs. That is why they are going to the UU church... They are offended everywhere else!

Good luck!

Me too ive found guys that match it all except one thing and had to say goodbye


Lol but just try outside your red neck area you would be very appreciated

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 29, 2019

LOL I have never heard this passed off as a bad thing "Counsellors will just help you figure out solutions to your own problems and cost money." Sure it costs money but it is one of the greatest investments one can make is for their health.... of course in the states health may have to be a last priority due to crazy costs, but it should be a first priority. 😟



I would pass on anything with churches, wary of brainwashing conditioning my thinking into saying somehow I need this when in reality I don't.


Sounds to me like you don't have much self love my dear and if the church helps you just go ahead and join.


Your story just sounds like most of us, as well your wise conclusions.
Been there, done that, and much worse.

Back when I was dating I was just copying my cis hetero female relative and friends, since, as a demisexual, I have no sexual attraction for either gender, but I had no idea how to deal with men.

I lacked the hardwired female instincts needed for managing a relationship with a man, not realizing at the time that I was myself a partial transmale, so my instinct to be the pursuer, and to compete with males was strong.

I actually started to date two transwomen who were close friends before their transitions, but that was a disaster. They manipulated me, took my money, lied to me, dressed like hookers when they were obviously in their sixties, and I had to distance myself, since my male instinct to do whatever they wanted was too strong for me.

I know I can't change myself, so I've just stopped dating. I also am recovering from cancer, so there's that-not really a dating prospect right now, LOL!


There are definitely men who want a serious relationship and also want a family with kids. I'm one of them. However, I find when I put that on my profile, I made fewer connections. Go figure. 🙂

It's funny how that works. I wonder if women look at that expressed desire for family as either 1) a manipulation of saying what you think women want to hear or 2) someone who's going to move too fast and want an immediate commitment. I'm only speculating, though; online dating is too complicated for me to understand what's effective.


You talk too much That sounded bad, I'm sorry .... I know, but for real. I have issues too... I just welll you====know .


As for me, when I quit searchung for something it finds me. This goes for anything from car keys to lovers. No kidding.


Thanks for your honest and interesting post. My only comment is that loneliness is not restricted to single people and good people can sometimes act badly and regret it later. Coping with awkward people and events whilst keeping your sense of humour intact and being able to laugh at yourself, is the secret to life in my opinion. Luckily you seem to have these qualities.


You have to find your own truth, that is part of our journey. Just be sure its your truth and not the truth of other. We can allow ourselves to have our own beliefs and at same time relate to people who have other beliefs.

I think its nice to be in a relationship with the right person, but its also nice to be comfortable with ourselves. It seems to me you are in the right track.... this doesn´t mean its always comfortable.....i would recommend to read and explore regarding subconscious. Sometimes we as humans sabotage ourselves in so many ways....... 🙂


You do what you gotta do.


"Most are just looking to get laid." Marriage and children are generally a woman's social construct...not men's. Without sex, why would a man have anything to do with a woman?

Men need to ask themselves that question. If thats is how a man feels I want nothing to do with him. Of course i want sex with someone i value. But they must show their value in their character or im not interested. By the way, the sexism in your comment is rampant and i call bullshit on your gender labelling of traits.

@Lauraleigh39 I am a high functioning Asperger's Syndrome, so I have only my own experiences, observations, and unique characteristics (Asperger's), to go by. The "sexism in my comment" is born of a lifetime of observation of many women and men's attitudes (I am twice your age, and have many times your experience). Some men (relatively few, as opposed to almost all the women I have met), express an interest in marriage and children, but it seems that many who do so are not sincere and voice utterings to the contrary when women are not around to hear them. Is your "Bullshit" statement a manifestation of experience, or is it a knee-jerk emotional response to what you perceive as an insult to your a aspy, I can never be sure.

Lol At first I thought you were being sarcastic...but maybe not!?

Regardless there are plenty of men who want a relationship, family with kids - I would even go as far as to say most men - and I'm one of them. 🙂

"Without sex, why would a man have anything to do with a woman?" Sex is rather low on my list of priorities, to be candid. Why am I with my girlfriend? Sure, there's sexual attraction, but that's not enough for me. Far more important is our emotional connection, intellectual compatibility, interesting conversations, similar sense of humor, and nonsexual intimacy. Sex is great, and I enjoy it, but if I had her in my life with all of the other relationship stuff but no sex I'd still be with her. I think @Lauraleigh39 is right about showing character; I don't want to be with someone who doesn't share similar values to those I hold and strive to achieve them (not that anyone is perfect, myself included, or that I think we'll always meet those ideals we've set for ourselves — but a good-faith effort should always be attempted). And, while I'm opposed to marriage for various reasons, I'm not against committed relationships; that's too complicated to get into here, but suffice it to say that I very much desire committed, long-term partnership. And while I don't want kids of my own, I want to be a positive influence on my girlfriend's children. I know you mentioned that you have Asperger's Syndrome, and I've known some high-functioning people on the spectrum, so I'm wondering, is it possible that you're misinterpreting the outward machismo men often express as a lack of desire for relationship and intimacy? I understand that such may not be important to you, as it hasn't been for some others I've known with Asperger's Syndrome, but it's been my experience that men talk a big game about wanting sex without being tied down when in reality they get lonely and want that human connection and emotional intimacy just as much as women do. /2¢

@Lauraleigh39 Regarding the statements of @dahermit, it is worth critically evaluating his statements, not against what you believe to be true, or hope was true, but against what evidence is available. This is reasnoble given that this is an atheistic and rationalist community.

Marriage has only been around since 1250-1300 CE. That is a blink of an eye compared to how long humans have existed in procreating without marriage. It is also a blink of the eye versus how long animals have existed on earth, none else of whom marry. So his statement is true, marriage is a social construct. That's not to say its bad, or good, but it is something that society has constructed for some kind of perceived benefit, but it is not biologically required.

Regarding "Without sex, why would a man have anything to do with a woman?", I appreciate that this sounds quite direct, but again, the rule (rather than the exception) in the animal kingdom is that the sexes combine only to reproduce. The list is almost endless, from red pandas, polar bears, platypuses, sandpipers (which are birds), skunks, leopards, moles, orangutans (which are biologically very similar to humans), koalas, giant anteaters, rhinos, Tasmanian devils, tortoises, etc.

So his comments about males getting together with females only to mate, while going against what some in society may otherwise wish was the case, are not unreasonable after disheartened analysis.

Interestingly the construct of marriage would have come from the church (controlled and lead by men) and be reinforced by layMEN throughout history, to ensure the progeny one was financially supporting was actually his child.

But also, men have various relationships with women including as parents, siblings, cousins, coworkers, friends, best friends, lovers, partners, etc.... the fact you need this spelt out for you and cannot grasp why men would want anything to do with women, is sad.

@Vpatel I don't think marriage started around 1250–1300 CE. The old testament makes reference to marriage, and that goes back a couple of millennia earlier than the dates you cited. This article claims the earliest recorded marriage was around 2350 BCE (though I don't see sources cited): [] Or do you mean marriage where love was a factor? There are differing opinions about when romantic love developed, but some claim it emerged around the time you mentioned. I also disagree that we can extrapolate that men are interested solely in sex based upon the animal kingdom as a whole; modern human social orders are different from those of other social animals. Even if you could effectively establish that there are virtually no animal species that establish relationships, which is patently false, it would do nothing to illustrate the assertion that men desire only sex without a relationship and that women are primarily looking for a relationship. And I think a quick look at people shows this isn't the case. Young people tend to approach sex somewhat casually in general, and that goes for men and women alike, but we still see a lot of pair bonding taking place. As people get older, there tends to be more emphasis on family and commitment, but that's not to say sex becomes unimportant to people once they reach their 30s. It's certainly true that not everyone has the same desire for partnership and sex, and that these don't always overlap and that there's an ebb and flow to these desires based on myriad factors, but this is the fluid dynamic of human interaction that you're ignoring by saying that the only desire men have for women is as a receptacle for sex. Yes, we have biological desires for reproduction — men and women alike — but we also have social needs and we desire partnership; the former being true doesn't invalidate the latter.

@Sealybobo I disagree. Just because someone can afford something doesn't mean they want it. I can afford to have children, but I choose not to — and I know a lot of people feel the same way. But even if what you said about finances were the case, you haven't shown that gender stereotypes of men being interested in women exclusively for sex and women wanting men exclusively for making babies is true. And you admitted that men do in fact want companionship and feel lonely without, but then said that sex is still the only reason men want women around. The argument seems unfounded.

@resserts Thanks for the response. I think you've missed my point, which was that it is not unreasonable for men to partner with women with the motive of sex, and only sex, and to find that this is biologically driven.

I gave examples of other species, many of which are very closely related to humans. In my response, I also said that sex between animals is only monogamous by exception, rather than the rule. I didn't say it doesn't happen, it clearly does, such as between swans.

So for a man wanting only sex from a women to be labelled as sexism is wrong. It's like saying that an orangutan who mates with multiple partners as being "sexist".

It is only "sexist" in a cultural, and socially constructed context.

While we may see ourselves as distinct from other animals, superior, "better", and therefore held to a "higher" standard, I disagree. Elephants are just as social, as are dolphins, and even crows. Both of which the males only mate for sex.

Don't get me wrong, I am someone who wants to spend my life with a women who I can care for, having valuable moments with, as well as have sex with.

But we are all born with a desire to reproduce, and therefore to have a man driven only to pass on his genes is not an unreasonable one.

@Vpatel I don't think you've established your purported thesis, but it's irrelevant; the position that dahermit took, and which presumably you were defending, was a more ubiquitous statement that women are the ones driving marriage and children while men generally don't want those things and have no use for women outside of sex. I never once said that humans were above other animals, that our societies are better (only different), or that wanting casual sex is sexist behavior. Nobody I saw in this comment thread made any of those claims. The point was that there are a lot of men and women who at times want only sex, and that there are a lot of men and women who want family (partnership and/or children). What @Lauraleigh39 said wasn't that wanting sex without strings is sexist, but rather that the claim that most women want family while the vast majority of men want only sex is gendered nonsense — and it's so easily debunked. You said of yourself that you want long-term, committed partnership. I desire partnership as well. We're not outliers, as most of my male and female friends want some form of family — but very few wanted that life at 20 years of age. There's far more overlap in desires than "women want family, but men just want sex."

@resserts thank you for clarifying - my misunderstanding.


Do what is best for you. Expectations of others are irrelevant. You have your child who, along with yourself, comes first in your life. Do what fulfills you. You do not need others for that. Patience, introspection are your best friends.
Just a few thoughts, best wishes in all cases.


Beautiful keep respecting yourself and teaching others. Sooner or later you will find a man who will value you as woman and as a mother.
I'm a mature lady that still believing in a romance. I'm in some online dating site to look for my life partner but it's difficult to find someone who really understand "respect and values". So at this stage of my life I feel happy and accomplished and if I find a life partner it will be great but if not, well life continues.

I feel like men are blind to all i have overcome and accomplished and still accomplish as a single mom. I support my son fully financially and physically. We have a nice, maintained home. I have a good career and im saving tons of money for college and retirement. I still manage to workout and take care of myself and i also donate regularly to various efforts to help others. I even fund college savings accounts for my exs kids. All men ask me about is wgat are you into... thats what im into!! Its more important than a trialthlon, concert, or karate classes, etc just to give me a sense of identity...

@Lauraleigh39 The "what are you into" question kinda gets to me. I understand that I can say a few things like "stamp collecting, jogging, amateur prosthodontics" but I always feel like the person is asking for a neatly packaged impression of who I am. What I'm into is part of me but we gotta spend time to get a feeling for each other.


Hugs , Hon !


Welcome back, and hang in there, a future is unfolding good luck and enjoy the ride.😁


Welcome to the future. Single is the new normal. No one wants to truly understand what it is like to be anyone else, despite the fact that we are built to do specifically this we refuse.

If you are unwilling to give up what and who you are you will be forever lonely. The unfortunate reality of our world is there is no right and wrong answers, only decisions.

I understand i just don't want a relationship with them if they don't meet my needs. Boundaries. Platonic Friendships are fine for those people.

@Lauraleigh39 I am not convinced you do understand, is there any conceivable person that could meet your needs?

@Happy_Killbot whats your goal here other than to attempt to criticize me and be a dick?

@Lauraleigh39 I think he enjoys debating and being a contrarian for the sake of it.


Well as a newbie to this site, welcome back...
I know how it is being surrounded by people of faith, growing up in rural Indiana everyone it seemed went to church and gossip was the main commodity..
It's nice to be around fellow like minded people and it is difficult at times but in the end we're all doin the best as we can.
To quote the Beatles, I get by with a little help from my friends.
Hope everything works out for you and your lil one


You can rule me out now....ahhh....and welcome back 😊


I really don't understand atheists who go to church, but I can very much relate to most everything else you've said. Life is such a struggle sometimes and when a lady is looking for community and all she finds are horny jerks, it only makes it worse. I've been judged pretty harshly by many here because I'm looking for something that transcends physical gratification. (Mostly old men, go figure) In any case, I really hope you continue to feed your soul in which ever way feels satisfying to you. We all have our mountains to climb, and for me right now, it's very, very difficult.

Its important for atheists to organize politically and socially

@Lauraleigh39 Absolutely!


You are a good looking woman who obviously, by your profile pictures, takes care of herself (ballcap picture shows it best). Thank you for sharing. I found it helpful. It's amazing how easy it is to be lonely in a society of 300 million people.

hahahahahahaha this cracked me up. Im an old cat lady but if you say so!!!

Yes, sure do. You're not old by a long shot.


Interesting life experience. I think it helps for you to analyze your situation in order to make good decisions in the future.


I'm trying to get in touch with my emotions, too. Social conditioning has made this a much more difficult task for me than it should be. I can figure them out when I'm journaling, but I definitely feel the need to experience them authentically, in real time. It's a new goal for me, brought on by a very recent, very painful break up. And I'm excited to make this change for myself, even as I know it's not going to be easy.

I think you're doing great, for what it's worth.

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