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Rudeness on this site. I have seen people join groups just to be contrary to the group. I have seen comments that say, your post is not worth commenting on so I am not going to comment. I have been told that someone would not even read my post because I did not break it into paragraphs. Not all rudeness involves calling people names. Anyone care to share other examples.

DavidDuhon 7 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I certainly have experienced what you allude to. I am sure some have thought me rude when I have responded to statements I found inconsiderate. However, you know what they say about discussions of religion or politics in "polite" company...not to attempt it. Clashes from time to time seem inevitable. This site to me overall has seemed far more considerate than some. Reddit comes to mind as particularly rude.


I do not join groups "just to be contrary"...I AM contrary...stupidity and bigotry ENRAGE me. Period!


That's not all rudeness. People like to express themselves here.


I can come across as rude sometimes I expect, but hopefully we are all grown ups.

I will frequently give a one word response as it is sufficient to fulfill the criteria required of the message I intend.


I checked to see if weve interacted before. I don't think we have. Anyhow, grow a pair.


I've not run into much of that. Sure, I've had people who disagree with what I posted, but that's not being rude, that's having a discussion.


I have had members give seemingly rude replies to my comments. I do admit many of my comments can be upsetting for some. Not everyone has great writing styles (myself included) so often I give an explanation. Sometimes it leads to more questions and a discussion and sometimes it leads to names. I have not blocked anyone but simply ignore those that have crossed the rudeness border.

@DavidDuhon Seldom use FB except for groups. I am usually the one criticizing others beliefs on FB and had 2 former friends who moved to Ireland and became flaming Catholics. I countered everyone of their religious rants and they dropped me. Better them than I.


Actually, curious cat is now curious...

It's one thing to say "people suck" (cuz they do) and you are entitled to entreat here as you wish.

But what is your end goal for citing and sharing specific examples?? Are you gathering a hit-list to forward to an admin? Getting people to pick sides and line up alliances? Picking a personal block list? Misery loves company?

I'm truly curious.

@DavidDuhon - OK. I take it you've never visited /b/ on 4chan, then...

@DavidDuhon what some consider "rudeness" others consider to be refreshing, concise frankness. And, you Always get what you ask for........


I won't give them voice, but I do know what you mean. It happens, I have had to block only one person.
The many wonderful people I've encountered on this site FAR out number the jerks so I just turn sideways and let the crap fly by. 🙂


IMHO, anyone who is asking the internet to be polite is tilting at windmills. Been at this way too long to get weepy over words in little white boxes. Is this very post rude? To some, probably. Oh well.

Internet internet internet banter banter banter.


“The joint prevalence of low self-esteem and online disinhibition among pathological internet users suggests that they may find the anonymity and asynchronicity of online interactions liberating, leading to greater disinhibition when they are online.“


skado Level 9 Dec 3, 2019

The really sad cases, to me, are the folks who never have anything but negativity to contribute. Rarely, if ever, have anything positive to say, unless in support of someone else’s negativity. They just show up, dispense their dislike for the post (without constructive explanation) and leave. I call it “hit and run” commentary.

You probably won't find me complaining too much about rudeness toward fascists. I might bore you to death discussing the relative merits of rudeness vs.some other convoluted philosophical approach, but I may not even follow my own advice on that matter, because, regardless of the method, xenophobia, racism, sexism, tribalism, nationalism, etc. need to be countered. I am categorically opposed to violence, but I don't complain when those guys go around punching Nazis. Fascism is a thing that should not be tolerated. And maybe jet skis.

I had not seen the genocide post. I'm surprised the site allowed it. It should be reported.

@OwlInASack Whoa, WTF?! When did things like genocide, Muslim bans, attacks on free speech, and more fascist bullshit become ‘normal’? I want them(the fascists) to crawl back under their rocks, myself.
Also, a meme:

@OwlInASack I get enraged and made incredibly sad by threads like you mentioned....I thought, all my life, that I could see progress in human relations, slowly but surely. I was wrong.


Examples are endless. Welcome to the site. Part of the deal for voicing an opinion someone doesn't agree with. Unfortunate.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 3, 2019

@DavidDuhon Bolding rudeness on this site was not a complaint? Uh huh.


Paragraph comment is rational, all the rest is BS.

@DavidDuhon I dunno. I once said "paragraph breaks dude" to a very prolific typer and he didn't consider it rude at all. Of course we had already been discussing things for a while beforehand so perhaps he knew me well enough to not be offended.

Many people will not read a long uninterrupted block of text

@DavidDuhon -- I am of the mind that we are all adults in the room and are capable of seeing beyond the smoke and flame. I grant you that it was even cruel, but this is a big world and it is filled with all types and manner of folk. We need to stand up to the bully, learn whatever lessons are present, and move on. Call out the bully when that person appears, but not back away from anything because it might be a mite uncomfortable.

Added not, David: The cello is my favorite of the orchestral strings. Wonderful sound.


Yeah, whinning in public is rude. Drives me nuts.

I won't read a long post if you don't break it into paragraphs - it's rude to post a wall of text as its a pain in the ass to read. Most people wont, so why not do it right and at least pretend you can organize your thoughts into coherant, mutually supportive sections of easily readable text? You're the one not getting what you want - people reading your stuff - so it's of much more benefit to you to use paragraphs than it is us.

Have fun on Facebook

1of5 Level 8 Dec 3, 2019
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